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HotWifeAshley loves the D  

AshleySlutWife47 50F
25 posts
4/20/2021 4:53 am
HotWifeAshley loves the D

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agelesssexylegs 81F  
1145 posts
4/20/2021 7:15 am

Some ladies have all the luck,in choosing a man to be her husband and think of her rather than himself,like my ex hubby

Leegs2012 51M
96137 posts
4/20/2021 10:14 am

Very nice!! Welcome to Blogland!!!

forgotforgetting 58M
8134 posts
4/20/2021 10:25 am

Congrats! Welcome to the blogs and good hunting.

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
― Oscar Wilde

Suprcuk49 63M
257 posts
4/20/2021 11:51 am

Wished i lived in WA !! Very few slut wives in missouri willing to be "OUT" about it.

jabberwonky19 51M

4/20/2021 11:23 pm


justme51 73M

4/24/2021 3:51 am

What beautiful photos your husband took. I always enjoy my x looking at me when she sucked another man’s cock. Showed his cum before she swallowed. Thanks for posting again love the photos

Mannspokane55 61M  
3 posts
5/8/2021 9:03 am

Your pics, profile, and blog are very sexy and hot. Its such a turn on that you want to fuck in front of your husband and he enjoys watching. It’s like a porn movie in real life!

justme51 73M

5/12/2021 3:51 am

Would love to see more pictures posts.

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