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BBWLookin4Fun59 65F
15 posts
3/17/2018 6:48 am

Why is that most of the groups on here have had no activity in years. As a newbie I went there in hopes of getting info and meeting people with the same interests.

tedscott40 61M
2550 posts
3/17/2018 7:20 am

I've noticed the same thing. Let me know if you figure it out.

Owatalife 68M
1711 posts
3/20/2018 6:22 am

Not sure about the groups although you might want to try a few of the chat rooms, they can sometimes be good fun.

apervypoet 65M
90 posts
4/12/2018 5:40 pm

The groups slowly died a few years ago. Potentially an awesome idea and at one time they were but too many abused system and now most are useless.


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