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Both sides of a "booty call"  

Blee761 63M  
186 posts
2/21/2020 6:54 am
Both sides of a "booty call"

Last fall (before my "Basic Communications Expectations" blog) I became acquainted with an member who got a hotel suite in a nearby suburb to visit her parents, and she invited me over to "play". I was available, so I thought, "why not?". She seemed mature, sincere, and did not communicate with the code words of a .  In the ensuing hours, I began to get somewhat hesitant, as she would only communicate with me on IM, and not on the phone to get acquainted. But then I thought, the motel is in a nice area, and she eventually called me to give directions and tell her room number, so I pressed forward in my travels. I arrived at the motel, and, still feeling uneasy, left my wallet and phone in the car in the event of a worse-case scenario.

I arrived at her suite and I knocked on the door, which was slightly ajar. The room was completely dark save for light emanating from the TV. I could see in the mostly-darkness that she was naked as she immediately led me to the bedroom and began to undress me. Of course, I was initially turned on and ready to get acquainted in her bed. After some brief foreplay, she mounted and began to straddle me and within two minutes the woman came hard. After that, she basically went "limp" and expressed no desire to continue or fulfill my needs. Sensing that, I also went limp, and the rendezvous was effectively over. She then asked me to go to the sitting area while she got dressed.

It was then that I began to get nervous. During the ensuing 10 minutes thoughts like "is someone going to emerge from the closet?, and "is she going to pull a knife or gun on me" permeated my thoughts. She then emerged from the bedroom, turned the light on, and sat down on the couch with me, and we finally began to talk. In short, she is a single mother that does not to get to have sex very often, and has to get a motel room under the pretext of visiting her aged<b> parents </font></b>to have playtime. Finally, after 20 or so minutes, she had to leave to pick up her<b> parents </font></b>for supper, so I left feeling a bit of relief, yet a bit used.

Epilogue: This woman has messaged me several times since to "play", the most recent being this week. I finally told her that if she willing to take her time and meet my needs, I would consider it. Crickets.

Blee761 63M  
519 posts
2/21/2020 6:55 am

I realize was likely not the wisest thing to do, but at the time I believed it was a prudent risk, as the woman could have become an awesome friend and lover. Thoughts?

SpankingHotAss 49M/49F  
19 posts
2/21/2020 9:56 am

You have to take control and keep fucking her. Some women do not realize they are multi orgasmic untill you show them that they are. She wants more she just doesnt want to come off as pushy or maybe a slut?

d2much87 37M
14 posts
2/21/2020 10:04 am

when he said "left my wallet and phone in the car in the event of a worse-case scenario" i felt that.
i have walk into a situation just like that

seems6666 53F  
4838 posts
2/21/2020 11:10 am

    Quoting Blee761:
    I realize was likely not the wisest thing to do, but at the time I believed it was a prudent risk, as the woman could have become an awesome friend and lover. Thoughts?
Errrrr no!.. she wouldn't give you her phone number,,, I think you had a lucky escape

Blee761 replies on 2/21/2020 2:06 pm:
She did give me her number, but only talked to me when giving directions. Her messages post-meeting (including this week) were on the messaging system.

japaneseass 57F  
50231 posts
2/21/2020 11:30 am

she could have become an awesome booty call friend, but like you said, the pleasure must be both give and take...she can't just get what she wants, and leave you hanging like that...i understand the timing is issue, but again, that can be all i don't know what exactly her deal is...really questionable...maybe she is not telling all...a single mother??? really??? maybe she is married, or i am not sure...

of course, that is not really problem...but i just don't like the idea, she is not up front, about herself...i just feel like there is more to her story...

but all hear the thought you are getting sex, and when you went there, there was another man in the room or something and ended up getting mugged...i understand you left your wallet in the car, but i am afraid your life could have been in danger...never know...

i see you have some advantage of being a male, and you could have fought off, but for me? no chance...i don't have to be a number in crime statistics, and found floating in the pond behind the hotel, next morning...

just saying...

jajo696 114F  
4287 posts
2/21/2020 4:28 pm

Hoping you wore protection, seems like this is her M.O and nothing about it seems safe me. Its not my scene at all.

Yes...of course there are many women that just want a quick fly by....nsa...fwb thing, yet it appears that they arent finding the partner that wants the same.

Like two close but at the same far .

I would like to think , she could be workable....but since you are hearing crickets...perhaps not . Ugh ~~

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