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Falling to hard.  

BrendansAugust 49M
4 posts
11/25/2021 9:02 pm
Falling to hard.

When you first meet that new special someone there's; nothing in the world quite like it, except you will fall into 1 of these 3 scenarios.
A. You like them more than they like you
B. They like you more than you like them
And if you're lucky
C. You both like each other the same amount
Now of course within those parameters you have 0=least
Like or Love
Like=easy to give space
Love=incredibly difficult not to smother them

lickuall2197555 48M
27 posts
11/26/2021 6:50 am

not sure if any of these apply, i'm always a bit scared

BrendansAugust 49M
1 post
11/26/2021 3:13 pm

The lovely lady I'm pursuing now doesn't like me as much as I like her. And that sucks because you can't make that person love you. The only person you can change is yourself!

author51 61F
129960 posts
11/26/2021 11:04 pm

Good luck to you in finding that special one you are looking for....

lickuall2197555 48M
27 posts
11/29/2021 7:44 am

thats horrible to hear, been there

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