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She Did WHAT In My Bed??!!  

CynicusMaximus 53M
393 posts
2/24/2020 11:52 am
She Did WHAT In My Bed??!!

Whenever I hear men talk about how they are envious of their dogs because they can lick their own balls and dic. All I can think tell them is, I bet that feels a LOT more like you are sucking a dick than getting your dick sucked.

While I work, I usually keep YooToob playing in the background on videos ranging from political news to Historical documentaries and every thing else that falls in between while the Auto-Play goes.

The other day I went down the rabbit hole on the story of the divocrce between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard and HOLEEEEEEEY SHIT!!

Johnny Depp found himself with a tiger by the tail with Amber Heard, who has to be the world's worst ex by now. That spot had been reserved for Sean Young, who allegedly super glued James Woods' penis to his thigh. But now, we have Amber Heard.. who's highjinks include sneaking her into Australia, Getting completely drunk and stupid at several events and assaulting Johnny Depp, then gaslighting everyone into believing that Johnny Depp was the one beating her. Johnny Depp had to remind her that she cut off the tip of his finger in one of her incidents where Amber Heard repeatedly tries to convince him that she threatened him out of love.

Amber Heard infamously showed up to court to file a restraining order on Johnny Depp. Court records, CC Footage, posts and talk show appearances later determined that Amber Heard had a make up artist create bruises that later showed be inconsistent with real injuries.

After this court appearance, her<b> parents </font></b>called up Johnny Depp apologize profusely for their 's behavior towards him. Offered their love and support to him during the crisis. Amber Heard began to try to call Johhny Depp to settle the divorce case due to evidence appearing to show that Amber Heard was the abuser.

She began to threaten him and repeatedly tell Johnny Depp that no one would believe him, if he went to the press with the truth. Even stating that she could never knock him down when she tried to punch him and shove him as an example of his dominance over her.. but Johnny Depp never hit Amber Heard. In fact, Johnny Depp did what he could to de-escalate the situations leaving Amber Heard even more infuriated and irrational with rage.

After Johnny Depp was late for Amber Heard's birthday party, she punched Johnny Depp in the face prompting him to leave the premises and stay some place safe. An enraged Amber Heard then stood up on his side of the bed and took a rather healthy shit.

Now.. any rational person would use the quiet time to come down from their anger and talk themselves down from doing something crazy.

Not Amber Heard.

Amber Heard had time to think this through.. when she stood up on the bed. When she dropped her underwear and while she squatted down on the bed. Nothing rational went through Amber Heard's head as she squatted there with that one vein in her forehead bulging out, red faced and pinching off that growler.

Later, the house maid walked in and found the dookie and called management. Building policy is that the bed must be removed and replaced for health issues. That staff testified to her erratic behaviour which included drunken rants at staff, CC footage of Amber Heard stumbling around drunken and drugged up and littering the building with garbage thrown as she walks into the elevator.

While, Johnny Depp was in Europe filming a movie. Amber Heard snuck James Franco into the penthouse that Johnny Depp furnished and paid for. In fact, all of Amber Heard's friends lived in the four other penthouse apartments rent free, because Johnny Depp took the entire floor. All of those friends, btw, testified and perjured themselves in court lying on Amber Heard's behalf.

If Amber Heard gets nothing in the divorce settlement, then the fun parade ends and all of these loafers have to move out and get real places to live.

Amber Heard DID show up with very real bruises after a tryst with millionaire and futurist, Elon Mus Elon was snuck into the penthouse paid for by Johnny Depp and was reported leaving the next morning looking disheveled and rough looking early the following morning. At this time, Amber Heard had been seen acting erratic and lethargic in the lobby. All of this came out in testimony in court.

If you watch the deposition of Amber Heard, it is an interview with an insane person who believes that if she keeps repeating the same lie, eventually it will be true.

The worst though, is that Amber Heard made the talk show circuit and did interviews where she painted herself as a survivor of domestic abuse. Repeatedly saying in interviews that Johnny Depp abused her both physically and mentally. Living on the shoulder of victims of real abuse and painting herself as someone to aspire to by real victims.

This is what got her sued by Johnny Depp for defamation. And it's a pretty good case for Johnny given the mountain of evidence that is stacked against Amber Heard.

Now, if I see her in a movie.. all I see is her shitting on a bed.

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