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Reset and Finding My Smile  

EroticMusings2 60F  
1573 posts
2/2/2022 4:09 pm
Reset and Finding My Smile

Mmmmmm feeling much better. Just need reset myself sometimes. Yes is very hard dealing with both of us being disabled, but differently. Some of mine could be life threatening if I dont keep a eye on things. His is a fix with surgery. But as a wife I feel responsible take care of him, even when I struggle breath etc. And I do tend over do .

I grew up with a narcissist laid on the couch and chain smoked. She would be on the couch asleep when I left for school and still the position when I got home, and this is grade school I could go on and on about all the abuse, but that is not my reason for being here. I just realized why I tend never want say that I can not do something. I never wanted be viewed like her at all.

But I feel much better health wise, so that is a win. Besides my shoulders and arms killing me right now. I do all the lifting and moving right now, as is no one else help. But I am enjoying the sunshine, and that helps with the depression so much. Sometimes I will pull a stool up right by the front door and let the beams of sunlight my face. I love that so much.

Still very horny, so think tonight I will take care of that. My husband did offer go down on me but I do know he is in a great deal of pain. I can not get turned on when I know he is hurting. So I told him after he has surgery and is recovered. Another issue is that he has ED very badly, so this feels like such a one sided thing. I trouble with that, because I am very much a equal partner and always want make the man feel as good or better then he has made me feel. So sigh.

But this too shall pass. Can you believe that on TikTok I now over 7000 followers?! Craziness.

This is a picture of one of my antiques. I incense in this one, love things like this so much.

Big hugs all


*Creative Outlets of All Forms thru Me*

Paulxx001 67M
22642 posts
2/2/2022 7:59 pm

That's a lot. What are you doing over there? 🤔

spunkycumfun 64M/69F  
41171 posts
2/3/2022 3:12 am

You are a TikTok superstar; you'll be paid soon!

hotdreamer1000 64M
12409 posts
2/3/2022 4:18 am

So glad to know you are feeling better - positive attitude makes so much difference doesn't it, but it can be so hard to conjure up when you don't feel like it! It sounds like and awful situation you have to deal with.

Putting myself ion your husband's position, I wonder how he feels about you protecting him from pain when he is wanting to help you and show his affection? Maybe he would rather go through the pain? Of course I know nothing of what the situation is like, but if it were me I would want to be making that decision for myself, just like you probably would too, over the pain you have to go through yourself? Impossible if it is a turn-off for you though, I get that. I hope you manage to work it out.

Antiques and vintage stuff, especially things you can still use can be a great source of pleasure can't they.

EnigmaInitiative 56F  
6054 posts
2/3/2022 4:58 am

    Quoting spunkycumfun:
    You are a TikTok superstar; you'll be paid soon!
Don't forget us lowly peons when you're rich and famous.

This week's HNW: Pink/Hearts (Or Chocolate) is available on the other side.

G000dbuddy 36M
1676 posts
2/3/2022 4:58 am


WyoCowboy7751 71M
2537 posts
2/3/2022 6:18 am

Doing Mountain-man Rendezvous ; I have several candle lanterns that I use in the tent 😊
When you mentioned incense ; it dawned on me that instead of a candle in the cup ; I could use ground up Sage 😊 By the way ; have been here since 2001 🤠

Pleasures4You123 68M
24 posts
2/3/2022 9:02 pm

I'm glad you're feeling much better health-wise! Feeling good mentally and physically sets us up to do more nice things for others and for ourself!
I will look for you on TikTok ... hope I find you ! I would enjoy seeing another side of you !!

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