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Blogs > Eviloutlaw1 > A rather special night |
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Have a good one people....
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For unto you born this day in the City Of David, a Savior which is Christ the Lord.... I can still hear the words being spoken, as if I was in the room with the Minister. Being chosen to sit on the dais of the alter during Christmas Eve service was a big deal. There at the start of the service to light the candles on the alter, then to walk down the steps and down the main aisle to light the candles placed at each pew upon tall poles at the end of the sermon. When we reached the end of the aisle, we'd turn and wait until the guy acting as head usher turned down the lights then you begin the procession of walking back up the aisle stopping at each pew and lighting the first candle being held by the person sitting there, they in turn would turn to the next person and light their candle and so on.. at the top of the aisle again we'd walk up the steps and I'd take my place usually on the side of the alter where the organ sat behind the Minister. The organist would start the Hymn often before I got back into place and you could feel the floor shake as she started playing the first notes of the Hymn Silent Night One of the best and simplest Christmas songs ever written. At least I think so. A song so powerful in it's meaning that during the first world war the army's on both sides of the front in France stopped fighting and sang the hymn...together, and a spontaneous peace broke out that Christmas Eve. Remarkable really, some would say a Christmas Miracle. The miracle didn't last of course as the men went back to their fighting the next day. But for that one brief moment in time those men forgot their strife and their worries, and realized that they weren't so different from each other at all.. that each of them was " A son of God". That the light, the pure light was their's. All they needed was to open their hearts and let it in.. Now I'm not a deeply religious man. I'm not a church goer, I'm what you'd describe as more of a back sliding Methodist. I know God, and he knows me and we don't need a special building to talk to one another. I try and live my life by the golden rule.. 'Do unto others..." It's worked for me thus far. I think God would approve. This past year has been a tough one for us all. I don't need to recount all the bad that's happened ..most of us have those hurts and frustrations still fresh in our minds. My wish this Christmas Eve is a simple one that we all find the inner peace, the light of love so evident in the song that stopped a war..even for a little bit. That would be the best gift of them all this Christmas... Happy Christmas to every one.....
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A beautiful reminder of what Christmas is truly about my sweet friend..God Bless..xoxo
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What a lovely memory and thought-filled reminder of what's important this year, and always. Merry Christmas! ~myst~
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I love Christmas Eve candlelight service. I get teary eyed singing Silent Night. Merry Christmas!!
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