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So, I didn't post this morning.....  

Eviloutlaw1 62M
5857 posts
10/8/2020 2:53 pm

Last Read:
10/9/2020 2:06 am

So, I didn't post this morning.....

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Eviloutlaw1 62M
5180 posts
10/8/2020 2:54 pm

Blame the debate last night. When I finally woke up I had five minutes to get ready and get to work. It was nice to actually see a debate really. Instead of what happened in the last one, you actually could hear them and the point they were trying to convey. Trouble was that the V.P. was just spouting the same tired lies that Trump has told for the past few months. He also had a tendency to talk over his time limits, with repeated requests from the moderator to stop. Still both candidates should be proud of the way they handled themselves, like adults.

My oldest called me yesterday at noon. He wanted to thank me for lending his brother gas monies to get out to Montana. He was going to wire it to his brother but couldn't because he's been running ragged trying to do two jobs. One running the brewery, and the other handling the restaurant they just took over the lease to when the folks running for them called it quits. The other reason he couldn't get the cash wired to his brother was that they had a Corona 19 cluster out where he is. Banks are only doing drive trough transactions. When he went to get the wire transfer done they told him they couldn't do it via drive through. We have the same trouble here I told him, no lobby service at all. Funny thing is where I do my banking you never actually talk to a teller, even in the lobby everything is done via tubes like the drive through and T.V. screens. Silly really not like the virus can pass through a wall.

The oldest also asked me to moving out there, it's the second time he's asked me. I guess he's worried as I'm getting older. " I feel happy, I feel happy" Sorry I couldn't resist a Minty Python quote there. Any who, I am seriously thinking about it. Maybe when they open up the second Brewery / Restaurant in the State Capital? But that's a year or so away, maybe more with this pandemic happening. If I went to work for them I'd be making a lot more than I'm making now. Though I know Jack Squat about brewing beer, and even less about working in a restaurant. Yeah my stint of working at McDonald's making milk shakes ( the old fashioned way by hand none of this new tech direct draw ready to go shake dispenser's ) would qualify me to make the kind of pub fair they serve. I suppose I could clean up around the brewing tanks that sort of thing. But who knows?

Oh well just a post to let you know what happened this morning. Nothing wrong here, I wasn't taken by Aliens to be probed or anything. ( though that might have been fun, not like earthlings are lining up to probe me or vice - versa ) I just got up to late today..

Off to maker supper ( A nice salad ) then sit down and watch Supernatural on the CW.

Eviloutlaw1 62M
5180 posts
10/8/2020 2:55 pm

Have a good one people...

author51 61F
129960 posts
10/8/2020 10:13 pm

Glad to see you are okay Hun and that your sons would like you to work with them at some point...xoxo Have a good one.

PonyGirl1965 58F  
22090 posts
10/9/2020 1:11 am

I love summer salads. That is one thing I really miss in winter. Good quality greens get so expensive.

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