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Eviloutlaw1 62M
5855 posts
8/16/2021 1:27 am

Last Read:
8/17/2021 1:29 am


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Eviloutlaw1 62M
5180 posts
8/16/2021 1:28 am

All day yesterday. Still went to work my OT hour though. The middle of the month and I had to run the sanitizer through all the washing machines so had to go in. I tried to get in earlier to get the task done, so people aren't waiting to use the machines...yeah didn't matter two people came in to do their wash and were ticked off because all the washers were in use already, by me to clean them. Not much I can do about that. The job has to be done at least once a month like it or not.

So I didn't post yesterday...just wasn't feeing up to it was all. Every time I got up ( stood up ) my head was swimming. Think I might be coming down or have a sinus infection? Summer got to love them, not.

I got my phone turned back on Saturday, the year of service I had ran out on Friday last. I knew the end date was coming up but unless I write things like that down I forget just exactly when they are. On the bright side with no phone from Friday noon till Saturday mid day. No spam calls to deal with, asking if I need to extend my cars warranty.

Any who Time for me to jump into the shower now..

Eviloutlaw1 62M
5180 posts
8/16/2021 1:29 am

Have a good one people...

author51 61F
129960 posts
8/16/2021 1:56 am

I hope you are okay my friend and the dizzy spells end.Not good sweet man..xoxo

countryqueen1 74F

8/16/2021 2:16 am

I hope you get that dizziness checked out!!! It's no fun to have that feeling. Hopefully you'll have an easy day.

WyoCowboy7751 71M
2537 posts
8/16/2021 4:29 am

Next time You get a Warranty Spam Call ask them this question ( it stopped my getting calls ) ;
Which car on my used car lot are you referring too with expired warranty ?

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