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not a sex related post  

HSV2inHollywood 49M
45 posts
5/1/2021 8:14 am
not a sex related post

Hey folks, remember me?

Well I took a short break and might be going into an extended break from blogging for a few months because I, yes this guy, who lost his job in March of 2020, just starting working.

Yeah, that's right, over a year with out employment... and in your 40s it's a lot a more scary than in your thirties. Though I think I was unemployed in my thirties too. (2009ish).

Well, that being said. I know some of you are having a tough time *and some of you are enjoying not working. Let me tell you, it's a relief.

Did I get my dream job? Nope.

Did I get what I used to make a my last few jobs. Not really.

Did I have a big sigh of relief when I got hired, sort of.

I actually applied for this job in 2019, but it's with the government and they put all their hiring on hold when Covid hit, so now that they are starting to reopen california, I got in.

Now this is nothing like I've done in the last 25 years of working... but who said you can't teach an old new tricks?

The new hours are tough, the job is tough. learning a new trade is tough.

But the new people I work with are mostly great and I am going through emotions that I haven't had in a long time. So I keep moving.

HSV2inHollywood 49M
27 posts
5/1/2021 11:23 am

so if anyone needs encouragement in these crazy times, I hope this helps.

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