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Blogs > OneStrangeBeast > The Beast Burrow |
The mysterious line. I cross it.
The mysterious line. I cross it. Greetings and Salutations, my Minions. OK... It's probably too early in my comeback to have gained any minions, but The Beast is always hopeful. I just had yet another confrontation with The Line. The Line is a mysterious mystery. It's always lurking there, ready to take whatever progress I make while attempting to connect with the opposite sex and bury it in the dirt. I was messaging a woman who I had chatted with previously on here. I was doing pretty good and got some positive feedback after offering her the therapeutic benefits of my massage table. Then The Line snuck up and kicked me right in the nuts. The bastard. I was opening my m a i l while chatting her up, which included a fairly small box which I couldn't connect to any recent purchases at first. Once I cut it open, it turned to be a ten speed, vibrating butt plug I had recently ordered on a whim in case I eventually meet a partner who enjoys that sort of thing. I found it a bit humorous, so I placed the package on top of my California Rolls and snapped a picture of it. I then shared it with the woman and reassured her that it was not part of the standard massage package. I just found it funny and thought she might get a chuckle of it as well. She was apparently offended by the photograph, and hasn't written anything since. Line, meet The Beast. Beast, meet The Line. Happy crossings, everyone. BEAST OUT |
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