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Sarah... The FiremeN... and ThingS thaT ChangE witH TimE... 😮❗  

Paulxx001 67M
8916 posts
10/19/2021 9:35 am

Last Read:
12/7/2021 2:27 pm

Sarah... The FiremeN... and ThingS thaT ChangE witH TimE... 😮❗

I was lucid. Sarah, was a bit tipsy as she lurched out of my car. She grinned and blew me a kiss, then turned around and gave me a 'wiggle' with her tight LEVIS bum. Her house was over on the corner. And that's where she strode, framed like a blue fairy — into the haze of that moonlight glare.

She almost stumbled at her gate then gingerly followed the brown brick path to the backyard. I sat there and watched, you know, to make sure she was safe and all. Then — clamping onto the railing — she slowly climbed those crooked green steps of the veranda. Finally, she'd reached that rickety screen door.

The EXPLOSION blew her right off the porch and flung her tumbling — fortunately — onto the tall green grass of her lawn. She narrowly missed smashing her head on that big old maple tree. My ears were ringing like roaring trains as I ran to her. After the smoke had cleared — and the firemen and paramedics had left — those who were lingering had concluded; it must have been a random gas leak. But I knew a secret and the shocking truth — and it's a story that no one would believe.

It all began last...

"Pardon me."

I was startled by a loud voice and looked up from my laptop.

The man standing in front of me — that guy in the 'Coldplay' t-shirt — had interrupted my finger-clicking thoughts and asked me a question. Did I know if there was an electronics store nearby? Which was a dumb query because THERE it was — in the strip mall, a massive sign within sight of that coffee shop where I sat.

I looked at him... and pointed out the window.

Now, back to my tale.

Damn... I forgot what the fuck... I was about to say. I HATE when that happens, don't you? I must be getting old, but I'm in denial. It'll come to me. 😶


If you remember your passwords, you'll have everything! 😊

Paulxx001 67M
22642 posts
10/19/2021 9:35 am

Can you accept the fact that you're starting to age, or are you fighting reality with DENIAL and PHARMACEUTICALS ? 🤔

Paulxx001 67M
22642 posts
10/19/2021 9:36 am

(*I'm still wondering what Sarah's story was. Why would anyone want to blow her up, and what's her secret? *) 🤔

GhostofH 65M
22788 posts
10/19/2021 10:33 am

Great to see you are still writing, Paul.... *grins*

Paulxx001 replies on 10/20/2021 1:01 am:
I guess if you consider a paragraph for a pulp fiction mystery — writing.
My take on Fried Green Tomatoes? lol 😂.. Yeah, gotta work on that.

Damn it's cold here this morning. 😮❗❗

spunkycumfun 64M/69F  
41171 posts
10/19/2021 10:35 am

That's teasing not revealing the ending!

Paulxx001 replies on 10/20/2021 1:03 am:
Ending? 🤔
I haven't got a proper beginning and a middle yet. That's why I cheated. lol 😂
I'm working on it.

scoupe42 61M

10/19/2021 1:43 pm

Glad, hot Sarah still OK! About the other story, sometimes we have two stories on our mind at the same time! When it hapens again, just have a piece a paper for each story! There was times, two different piece of paper myself. Maybe this is a sign you need to blogs more.

Paulxx001 replies on 10/20/2021 2:33 am:
I've dig it outta my brain with a screw driver. lol 😂
Thanks for the tip! 👍

author51 61F
129960 posts
10/19/2021 10:53 pm

That mid-life sometimers mind will get us every time my friend..Love it...xoxo

Paulxx001 replies on 10/20/2021 2:35 am:
I'll be sure to make more notes next time. That's why I always carry a pen. Damn... I've forgotten how to use THAT thing.
Got your PC issue resolved yet? 🤔

smartasswoman 66F  
35813 posts
10/20/2021 12:39 am

Denial all the way! It’s not just a river in Egypt!

Paulxx001 replies on 10/20/2021 2:41 am:
I'm leaning towards pharma and more exercise. 😶

Hey (*of course, shit happens to me in bunches *) my cable converter blew up and guess what's replaced THAT junk box? 🤔
Yep — podcasts. Go for it figure, huh?
Thanks for the heads up. Who knew? 😂 😮

PonyGirl1965 58F  
22090 posts
10/20/2021 12:56 am

Age is just a number!
I hope she doesn't kneel on her bewbies! Ouch!

Paulxx001 replies on 10/20/2021 2:42 am:
Age IS a number, until you sprain an elbow opening up a jar of pickles 🥒. 😮
Ya know what I mean? 🤔 😂❗❗

smartasswoman 66F  
35813 posts
10/20/2021 11:37 am

You're choosing podcasts over TV? I'm impressed! I'm firmly entrenched in watching Netflix/Hulu etc in the evening.

Paulxx001 replies on 10/20/2021 5:06 pm:
The thing is... I used to have 80, maybe 90 channels? Who knows? And once I'd get started I'd be hooked and stuff — around the house and things — just wasn't getting done. And what was I watching? Alien conspiracies, Robot Battles, Life of The Octopus, Highlights of the 2003 Masters Tournament, NFL football (of which ten minutes were interesting). My gosh, if I had Netflix I'd be watching 24/7.
I've realized that self-control was a number on my remote. So... I'm trying this NEW lifestyle. So far... it's interesting. Plus, the money I'm saving will be put towards buying a SERIOUSLY kick-ass sound system in my car.
Yeah 😎 We'll see. It takes thirty days to make (or break) a habit, right?

Anything good on Halo and Netflix?
Not that I care... 😊 lol 😂 😮

mc_justmc 64M

10/20/2021 5:03 pm

I've had to change my password on most of the sites I visit, either I forgot them or they're fucking up, I think they're fucking up.

Paulxx001 replies on 10/20/2021 7:40 pm:
I used to have an application that 'auto generated a crack proof password
It held ALL my passwords in a library and automatically filled any site I'd enter. THAT, application had a password — that warned me — was NOT recoverable. Guess what? Yep, I forgot the MASTER password. Ask me how fucked up I was? What... a... cluster! 😖
NOW, I've flipped to something really easy to remember; Paulxx001
I'm kidding, but I'm almost not. Sheesh...
There's gotta be a better way! No? 🤔 ❗ ❗

silk_petal_rose 60F
2363 posts
10/20/2021 9:54 pm

WRITE THEM ALL DOWN and keep the paper within arms


Paulxx001 replies on 10/21/2021 1:42 am:
That's an EXCELLENT suggestion and one I've considered.
Now, if I could only remember all the websites and services I'm a member of. lol OMG... 😂❗

I think my new system works... 😊 👍

EroticMusings2 60F  
661 posts
10/21/2021 11:20 pm

Such a tease, love it!

*Creative Outlets of All Forms thru Me*

Paulxx001 replies on 10/22/2021 8:15 am:
lol 😂 Glad to know someone is laughing along with me. 😊 👍 ❗

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/22/2021 2:14 am

There is no other choice but denial.... Until I kneel down and struggle to stand back up. Good lord.... My mind feels 18, my body feels 100.

Paulxx001 replies on 10/22/2021 8:25 am:
Hmmm... interesting.
I'm feeling (*was feeling *) 33, and I've been frozen there. Everything had fallen into place — if you know what I mean; fitness, job, family, car, house, relationship. Mentally I'm still that age, but physically? *ugh*
Yep, denial

Eighteen is a great age. Any reason you're hooked on that number? 🤔

loneleix 64M
978 posts
10/24/2021 8:28 am

My thought is that the older I get the harder I have to work to stay in shape. I'm now up to two workouts a day and still climbing trying to do so. Eventually, I think I will have time for nothing but working out and then what??

I'm only halfway kidding here. Still.... I do find that the more exercise I get the better my mind works. I know that has not always been the case but it does seem to be that way now (of course if my mind were NOT working well; how would I know?)

Paulxx001 replies on 10/24/2021 2:04 pm:
It's funny that you mention exercise; I've noticed the SAME thing! I've gotta find a more efficient way to stay in shape.
I'm thinking of adding yoga to my routine. I've heard so many positive things about it. 😶 ❗ ❗

sexyldy1000 68F  
9607 posts
10/24/2021 5:48 pm

Can you accept the fact that you're starting to age, or are you fighting reality with DENIAL and PHARMACEUTICALS ?
Definitely not in denial. It's one of the reasons I decided earlier this year to embrace my 'grey'. The only drugs I have ever taken are prescriptions ones and not going to change now.
Your story reminds me of some of the crime-based fiction that I read (minus the romance).

Paulxx001 replies on 10/25/2021 1:19 am:
Embracing reality is always a valid option! 👍 Periodic escape, in any form one chooses, is another temporary choice people make. You have the occasional drink, dontcha? I'd join you in a glass... or two of Chablis. 🥂
So — as an experienced mystery reader — what do you think is Sarah's secret, and who would try and blow her up?
It's never who you suspect it is. 🤔 lol 😂

Paulxx001 replies on 10/25/2021 1:22 am:
The romantic angle might be dubious, otherwise they'd be spending the night together. And she only blew him a kiss. 😁

1seeking1 59F  
3767 posts
10/25/2021 1:40 pm

When will we hear the end of Sarahs story?
Yes we all are aging, embracing my grey hair, writing things down good idea, sometime I forget where the paper is or forget the grocery list at home..

Paulxx001 replies on 10/25/2021 3:59 pm:
Sarah's tale of international intrigue and mystery?
I'm working on it. 👍

I HATE it when I go to the trouble of getting a list ready — and then forget it at home on the counter. *ugh*
When I slow things down, take my time, I get more done; than when I rush around. Are you the same? 🤔
As long as I don't forget where I put the car keys, I'll be ok. I have a special spot for those guys now! 😊 Don't ask. 😔

Paulxx001 67M
22642 posts
12/7/2021 2:27 pm

Testing one two three.
Is Beta version going to pick up this comment? 🤔

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