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You can do ANYTHING you want, if you follow the right steps.  

RabbiaVero1990 33M
0 posts
1/15/2020 5:02 pm
You can do ANYTHING you want, if you follow the right steps.

It is true belief that we get from life what we put into it. For instance: I started own company doing Home Improvements and Light Construction 5 years ago. I decided that this was what I wanted do when I was years old, years ago. So, I started working with contractors could teach the different skills and techniques I needed. I started reading journals, and other reading material from other contractors across the country. I started learning about how to run a company, how to start a company, what legal processes were needed, and what licences and other faculties I would need to be successful. I started to use tools, and materials to build things in back yard, and fix things around house, so I was constantly practicing. I started with 3 customers that would give me jobs and there, when I was not working elsewhere. Now I work 7 days a week, and in the last 3 years I have done numerous full gut renovations, and home remodels.
Now, I do not say this brag. I say this because of everything I had put into this in order to be where I wanted to be. Work, time, energy, sweat, and quite a bit of blood (You get cut and bruised a lot. lol) But, in the end, what I put into this, is what I got of it.
This is just a small testimony the success of putting into to get of. But, if we others, we can see MANY people throughout history came from nothing, and built themselves up greatness, and none of them got there easily. goes for every single of us.
I'm going tell you this now, and hope that it gives you the drive you need, or fuels the drive you already have. It does not matter what your dream or goal in life is. If you want it bad enough, and you are willing fight through all the obstacles, and through all the negativity around you, you WILL succeed. There is no such thing as a person is incapable of reaching a potential goal simply because of their race, social status, , or where their<b> parents </font></b>were. I hear this all the time. "You will never make it because of .......". If people say something like that you, get rid of them. You do not need them. The person can stop you from reaching your goals, is YOU!
But, there are some things you need to do to make sure you reach those goals. Once you have a goal/dream, that becomes the long term goal. Then you have to sit down with yourself, figure what mistakes you've made in the past, and make sure that those mistakes do not happen again. Then you need find your skills, the things you are good at. Whether it be communication, art, writing, building, directing, composing, making people laugh, taking away people's pain, a good memory, whatever the case may be, find those skills, and write them down. They are your building blocks. Then find your weaknesses, and the things you are not so good at. Remember, having something that you are not very good at does NOT mean you yourself are weak. It just means in that area, it isn't your strong suite. So, write those down, and by , find people ARE good at those things, and they will become part of your building blocks as well. Third thing you need do is figure , either alone or with someone supports you and wants see you succeed, what steps need be taken in order reach your long term goal. Set smaller goals, and even smaller goals, all the way down the things you want accomplish within the next week. And as you check those things off the list, you will find that the drive push for the larger goal becomes much easier, because you see the forward progression, and it is staring you in the all the time.
If you do these things, you will accomplish every dream and goal you have in life. Make it a priority. Remove the people from your life that are holding you back, and dragging you backwards. And always surround yourself with people you can learn from, and people can help you towards your goals. Do this, and in the end, you will reap just rewards for the energy you have put in.

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