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Of Love and Other Esoteric Stuff  

RandyRW59 65M
11 posts
10/2/2021 10:38 pm
Of Love and Other Esoteric Stuff

It's become a pattern with my wife and I the past few years; I'll go to bed about eight or nine at night, asleep by ten or thereabouts, she'll slide in beside me past midnight waking me up, and promptly stick her nose into her<b> phone </font></b>or perhaps a book, while I lay there, longing to touch her but not daring to because I'll get my head bitten off, and eventually she'll reach over to the nightstand, turning off the light, falling asleep while I reluctantly get up, pick up MY phone, quietly closing the bedroom door as I creak downstairs for a couple of hours or so. . . . .

Most of the time I can deal with this Reality, but sometimes it really gets to me.

Yes, we've talked about it, several times, and promises have been made to change, but NOTHING EVER REALLY CHANGES....................................AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have needs and desires that have gone unmet for a very long time now, damnit!

Guess that's really why I'm here, I suppose.

A man can only look at porn videos/pictures and masturbate for so long before that shit gets real OLD, after all.

Perhaps the same is true for a woman. . .

I NEED another warm, loving, sensual body beside me, loving me, accepting MY love graciously, passionately, with long periods of foreplay. . . . ;.yessssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So in six days I hopefully will FINALLY attain that goal when I make that road trip to Taunton.

I love Doug to pieces and he KNOWS that, but you never really KNOW if there's true chemistry between people until they actually MEET, so I'm not counting on a successful visit just yet.

"Always, always, ALWAYS have a back-up plan!"---Drill Sergeant Alford, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, July, 1977.

So here I am, naked, sitting downstairs from Bambi as she sleeps soundly, listening to my favorite playlist with headphones on, playing around on this infernal machine, writing my frustrations out, hoping beyond hope that somehow a viable solution will eventually make itself known.

And time's marching relentlessly onward.. . . . .

jajo696 114F  
4287 posts
10/5/2021 8:42 pm

This is an age old just doesnt seem fair that the physical needs of couples change in different directions over the years. Ive listened to the many stories and ive learned and completely understand about straying. Is why ive always felt the contract of marriage is antiquated and should be assessed every 7 yrs or so....and re sign up....or not. Its unrealistic to think that one person could satisfy the needs of another for ever. Loads of sacrifice and then perhaps resentment creeps in. Seems to me....that there has got to be another way.....somewhere ~~

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