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Up In De Mawnin, 'Fore Day!  

Rickdorf 65M
64 posts
5/30/2021 11:14 pm
Up In De Mawnin, 'Fore Day!

I don't like it, no way! Eat my breakfast too soon; hungry as hell 'fore noon!

Little ditty from my BCT back in the summer of '77. Amazing what a man remembers 44 years later, isn't it?


boy. again at a completely ungodly hour yet again, this time because I got a text message from my new friend in California just past midnight and couldn't go back sleep I am.

I really love her enthusiasm and vibrancy! This is going be a great friendship, I'm positive.

Yes, indeedly doo, I HAVE been casting a rather large net looking for friends and lovers online the past few weeks! It's starting off, much my amazement.

Apparently there's great demand for a fat, jolly, hairy old man!

Can YOU say 'Santa Claus'? lol.

Then there's my Princess, whom I love dearly and met here. She's quite the looker, with a brain match, whom I really hope meet in person sometime fairly soon.

Anywho, I hope you're having a Magnificent Monday with a song in your heart and Viagra in your medicine cabinet!

Please feel free holler at if you enjoy my rantings. My thing is reply PFOMPTLY contacts. Mostly positively.


Life goes on!

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