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Can you believe it.....  

SverigesAngel 60F
11318 posts
3/6/2008 3:05 pm

Last Read:
3/4/2012 12:59 pm

Can you believe it.....

I'm still sick! It's going on two weeks.....

Just a heads up here to all my awesome friends, as to why I'm so quiet.....

Shall comment my Butt of when I'm better again, I promise. It will take me FOR EVER, but I'll do it.....

Love ya' all, and I will ALWAYS return. I might be silent for a while, but return I will..... I'm kinda the loyal type, and once you're my friend, it's forever! Stuck with me you are, all of you.

SverigesAngel 60F
17328 posts
3/11/2008 3:28 pm

    Quoting Looove70:
    be better soon , hard when it not disappear.

    kiss and hug
I'm better, but still coughing..... I think this is the sickest I have ever been from a stupid cold bug, gah!

SverigesAngel 60F
17328 posts
3/11/2008 3:23 pm

    Quoting Jacko71971:
    Oh poor you. Being ill really sucks! Get well soon love

Thanks..... I'm much better!

SverigesAngel 60F
17328 posts
3/11/2008 3:21 pm

    Quoting  :

SverigesAngel 60F
17328 posts
3/11/2008 3:20 pm

    Quoting  :

Much better now.....

Looove70 54M
2042 posts
3/10/2008 11:03 am

be better soon , hard when it not disappear.

kiss and hug

Jacko71971 53M
1029 posts
3/9/2008 3:10 pm

Oh poor you. Being ill really sucks! Get well soon love


SverigesAngel 60F
17328 posts
3/8/2008 6:26 pm

    Quoting  :

Better today! Imma gonna tick to you all like glue... eh, in a non-scary way that is.....

SverigesAngel 60F
17328 posts
3/8/2008 6:24 pm

    Quoting laydee2:
    Awww.. Hoping you get better soon babe
Thank you Sweetie, and I'm much better today!

SverigesAngel 60F
17328 posts
3/8/2008 6:23 pm

    Quoting pantyman125:
    Hey Angel~~As Thayn so rightly says, a Dr trip is due NOW~~Have added you to my prayer list--I hate eating this Frozen Pudding Ice Cream Alone~~ Get Well...

    Be Safe/Warmest Hugs~~Bill
It's been a tough one, but everybody that caught this bugger have been sick a week to three! Anyhow, I'm much better today (Saturday)....

Thanks for your well wishes though. Who knows, maybe they helped!?

SverigesAngel 60F
17328 posts
3/8/2008 6:22 pm

    Quoting thayn1850:
    I hope you have been to the doctor. It has been too long.
Nah, the flu around here have been running a week to three weeks, so I'm not to worried, just annoyed. Besides, Imma feelin' better today!

SverigesAngel 60F
17328 posts
3/8/2008 6:20 pm

I feel better today!

laydee2 45F
31581 posts
3/8/2008 12:04 pm

Awww.. Hoping you get better soon babe

~Shhhhhh.... I'm not really here~
[post 3969793]

pantyman125 79M

3/7/2008 7:11 am

Hey Angel~~As Thayn so rightly says, a Dr trip is due NOW~~Have added you to my prayer list--I hate eating this Frozen Pudding Ice Cream Alone~~ Get Well...

Be Safe/Warmest Hugs~~Bill

I came into this world with nothing, and I have most of it left~~

thayn1850 76M
700 posts
3/6/2008 9:52 pm

I hope you have been to the doctor. It has been too long.

jeffandBonna 57M/67F
7328 posts
3/6/2008 6:54 pm

Well you get well soon "K"!

& kisses
Bonna & Jeff
A Favor
"Friends are born, not made."
~ Henry Adams

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