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Ultraviolet_Sol 44M
172 posts
6/14/2021 4:50 am

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Ultraviolet_Sol 44M
622 posts
6/14/2021 5:00 am


A star vaulted in the sky
holding vigil for the dawn
extricated from transient clouds
shining upon my estimations and contemplations
of the potentialities of realities
that can fit into moments and a moment

Like the diameters of your face
that is your heart - your time - your mind
like something holy in this holey place of holes
that becomes only divinely holy - as flashes flash
like thundering memory in the memory of... Me
misplaced in the occult tumult that is the consult
of self expressed multiplicities - having so many
component parts - in the construct of self confessed mysteries

I am a watcher of self - watching the impression
as a storm chaser documents the clouded Heaven
that I become...
as my hopeless heart reaches out to my manic mind
sending me a sign - of my past self - from behind
a veil that reveals the vulnerabilities of sincerities
like heart beats that lead to tears of nothingness
that contain everything you could never speak... Even to silence
and solitude

Everything from a space that expands from a face
that takes on dimensions of self evolving tesseracts
exact - in forward marches with no going back
a world within a world that captivates and captures
with the sound of shores weaved into mystifying dreams
giving rise to dawns comprised of mystifying skies
gracefully placing sunsets with grace into the place
where one hand meets another like one dream meeting the other
in a spark that is stark to the human perception
and expands into the divine and contacts the sublime
that is the becoming of one heart - one time - one mind

one life

one love


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scoupe42 61M

6/14/2021 5:57 am

My brother, you are a very deep writer, you have a skill! You should put your writing into books, or just maybe write a book have it on amazing prime, and use someone voice to read the whole book. Also like the picture.

author51 61F
129960 posts
6/14/2021 6:19 am

    Quoting scoupe42:
    My brother, you are a very deep writer, you have a skill! You should put your writing into books, or just maybe write a book have it on amazing prime, and use someone voice to read the whole book. Also like the picture.
I agree that he is indeed a deep writer with many talents and skills..xoxo

bustinout20202 67F  
1080 posts
6/14/2021 8:18 pm

OMG! You truly have an ability of elevating the written word! You are: SUBLIME: tending to inspire awe usually because of elevated quality (as of beauty, nobility, or grandeur) or transcendent excellence.

~~~" Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift." --Mary Oliver~~~

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
6/15/2021 4:22 pm

Beautiful words from a beautiful heart.

Ultraviolet_Sol 44M
622 posts
6/17/2021 11:31 am

    Quoting scoupe42:
    My brother, you are a very deep writer, you have a skill! You should put your writing into books, or just maybe write a book have it on amazing prime, and use someone voice to read the whole book. Also like the picture.

Your thoughts, insights, and encouragement are always inspiring and thought provoking.

I thank you greatly, my friend.

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Ultraviolet_Sol 44M
622 posts
6/17/2021 11:32 am

    Quoting author51:
    I agree that he is indeed a deep writer with many talents and skills..xoxo

Your belief in me makes me feel very good.

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Ultraviolet_Sol 44M
622 posts
6/17/2021 11:34 am

    Quoting bustinout20202:
    OMG! You truly have an ability of elevating the written word! You are: SUBLIME: tending to inspire awe usually because of elevated quality (as of beauty, nobility, or grandeur) or transcendent excellence.

I am completely taken aback by your very beautiful and deeply encouraging comment.

Most especially, because of the respect that I have for you as a person.

I thank you from the depths of my heart and soul!!!!

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Ultraviolet_Sol 44M
622 posts
6/17/2021 11:38 am

    Quoting secret_lade:
    Beautiful words from a beautiful heart.

Thank you so much for this wonderful comment.

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Ultraviolet_Sol 44M
622 posts
6/24/2021 4:59 pm

    Quoting  :

I am humbled by your words, Super.

I am upheld by your friendship.

Thank you.

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