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To meet or not to meet  

Unzipmeslowly51 54M
196 posts
5/24/2021 9:00 am
To meet or not to meet

I wondered do many still meet off here
..ive done in the past
Maybe 4 or 5 yrs ago the last one
Been let down. Well stood up a couple of years ago
That put me off at the time
Just wondered thats all.

13128 posts
5/24/2021 9:05 am

amzing how Shakespeare still influences us today

DiscreetQuirky 55M
280 posts
5/24/2021 9:30 am

I would meet the right person.

flannel_light 62F  
4586 posts
5/24/2021 9:32 am

I have meet some before the Covid-19 hit

The Light is shinning and she is lonely and waiting in the darkness.

CockSard75 49M

5/24/2021 10:02 am

Ive met people a few times in the past but its though sometimes to even get an answer from most people. They always say "let's chat" "looking for this or that, hit me up"...........and half the time when you do you spend the points, try to talk to that person and they never answer you......often times such a waste......
If you genuinely want to chat with people, find a friend ,a date, a buddy, whatever your reason is for being here fine ....but don't tell people to try to talk to you then waste their time and ignore them.
Am I the only one this irritates?...
Ok sorry, rant done.....

patchdriver 69M/68F  
156 posts
5/24/2021 10:25 am

Stood up? We have had that a few times. Thought we had confirmed arrangements, booked a hotel room and waited and waited and waited. No show and no explanation, even when I contacted him next day. For us, it is a 2 hour drive to the city. At least one couple were honest that they could not get a plane from a northern city due to weather. They were not coming to our city just for us, but to visit family, and to have fun with us.
Other times, the conversations sounded positive UNTIL we wanted to make firm arrangements, then the excuses flowed as to why they (he) couldn't meet.

bustinout20202 67F  
1080 posts
5/24/2021 11:03 am

I got started on here just as everything went into lockdown. I met one guy at that point, in open spaces. I've met more than a few since then, and been ghosted, cancelled on or strung along only to never meet more than once. But when I do get the chance to meet, I find most of them fascinating each in their own way.

~~~" Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift." --Mary Oliver~~~

Brownie202 67F  

5/24/2021 11:09 am

    Quoting  :

Nice to know a man knows both have to have interest. Just because one does it doesn't mean the other one will have any back. Some of us have preferences. Others will fuck just anybody.

Humans are the most dangerous animals on earth.

If only animals had the ability to know when to keep away from us humans they would be better off.

Naughtypursuit 57F  
2766 posts
5/24/2021 6:55 pm

Come on over, we can behave to together!

author51 61F
129960 posts
5/24/2021 11:02 pm

I have not met anyone since COVID hit but am planning to have my first meet since March of last year in June....xoxo

Unzipmeslowly51 54M

5/25/2021 1:12 pm

First of all thanks for taking the time to respond
I agree the covid 19 has had a large impact recently
And the distance barrier is a bigger killer

Unzipmeslowly51 54M

5/25/2021 1:40 pm

you know i couldnt behave even if i tried. Is that your plan? All i can say is 'Genius' x😊

Unzipmeslowly51 54M

5/25/2021 1:55 pm

Let fun and games commence author😊im ready for meeting soon myself x

Unzipmeslowly51 54M

6/14/2021 6:57 am

Im definately looking to meet for some fun soon. I think being on here a lot lately just makes me want to even more. I definately need some real fun now.

Unzipmeslowly51 54M

6/14/2021 7:03 am

    Quoting bustinout20202:
    I got started on here just as everything went into lockdown. I met one guy at that point, in open spaces. I've met more than a few since then, and been ghosted, cancelled on or strung along only to never meet more than once. But when I do get the chance to meet, I find most of them fascinating each in their own way.
Wish i was closer to see how fascinating i could be😊

Unzipmeslowly51 54M

6/14/2021 7:04 am

    Quoting author51:
    I have not met anyone since COVID hit but am planning to have my first meet since March of last year in June....xoxo
Whoevers on junes menu is damn lucky😊

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