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Is it cheating?  

Yetagain2017 57F
6 posts
6/19/2020 10:14 pm
Is it cheating?

Do you think browsing hookup sites such as this is cheating? You never sleep with the other person, but the intention to do so is there?

Yours_4A_knight 59M

6/20/2020 7:46 am

In my humble opinion, cheating is less the action that you engaged in and more the embarrassment you would have discussing and the lies you tell to cover it up. Throw away with a random strange that you have with permission while away from your SO is not cheating, but arranging to go through the same checkout lane at the grocery every week to flirt with the worker and denying or being unwilling to talk about it is.

Again my opinion

Not the Whole Truth but the truth that I can see.

Hawkfan533333 35M
687 posts
6/20/2020 8:17 pm

If you go through with it I'd call it cheating, but if you keep it online, and cam, or sext, I dnt see ant harm in that.

Feel free to message my private mailbox

Yetagain2017 replies on 6/20/2020 11:40 pm:
Even if he doesn't have sex with me?

Hawkfan533333 35M
687 posts
6/21/2020 6:26 am

    Quoting Hawkfan533333:
    If you go through with it I'd call it cheating, but if you keep it online, and cam, or sext, I dnt see ant harm in that.
I'm not sure if were on the same page. If who dsnt have sex with you? A guy on here? That's not cheating, if your on here but not ducking. Is it a great ideas, not for me to decide

Feel free to message my private mailbox

OriginalBeEyeGee 59M

7/4/2020 2:12 pm


The cheating part is if you have to hide it or lie about it.


JustmeonT 42M
1 post
7/15/2020 6:07 am

If the bounderies established by you and your partner are being crossed it is cheating. If you are un-sure ask your partner if they mind. If you have to hide soemthing it is cheating. If your are nervouse your spouse is going to get upset, it's probably cheating. This stuff is a no brainer to most.

billyjack975 62M
58 posts
7/31/2020 7:50 pm

What u been up too

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