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Still Spring  

bendman4u 57M  
16 posts
10/8/2016 3:03 pm

Last Read:
6/16/2021 6:38 pm

Still Spring

beaten into dust
only lines remain

layers compound and deepen 
vanishing points are endless

Wide fields turn to wild tundra
where ancients do live

The vastness lifts my soul
like sulfur from the earth

A pool of placid strength
draws power through resting water

An osprey rips invisible currents
crossing strips of black canvas

Suspended in the still
a love slips back to the garden

bendman4u 57M  
9 posts
5/18/2021 8:57 pm

I appreciate you, thank you!

bustinout20202 67F  
1080 posts
4/3/2021 8:55 am

Love this poem! Great imagery and alliteration! Beautiful!

~~~" Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift." --Mary Oliver~~~

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