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Episode VIII: The Ongoing Adventures of MIlf & Gilf: Women of a Certain Age
Episode VIII: The Ongoing Adventures of MIlf & Gilf: Women of a Certain Age I just don't trust those word stealing gremlins, so see the post in the first comment below! Thanks for the read - Comment below or Whisper in my mailbox! Mwah! {=} Busti ~~~" Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift." --Mary Oliver~~~ |
The Spring and Summer months in lockdown were tedious to be sure. But now I had a partner in crime…one that I could share everything with. It made the summer days so much fun! We met most days at the Bistro. Cars driving by seeing us with wine glasses in hand and laughing, would honk and wave; some would stop and say they wanted to join us. It was our version of a happy social hour. But one car stopping to chat, stopped us in our tracks. As the pick-up truck sidled up to us, Gilf asked, “You know them?” “No, I don’t think I do”, I said slowly. The passenger window rolled down as the stranger asked, “So what are you two doing here, having so much fun!?” the driver was smiling and leaning in our direction as well. “OMG!” We both yelled at the same time! “BARBIE!!” “Barbie” was from the same church where Gilf and I had met 20 years ago. She and her hubby, “Ken” were one of the “Pretty People” **at church. **You know, the “Pretty People”: those Perfect Couples who would get up and do the announcements and remind people to give to the “building fund” as the music would swell and the offering plate would get passed around. The church had a stable of “Pretty People”; couples that would be there every Sunday, appearing all sunny and happy, with their tight smiles, ready for their 15 seconds of church fame. “Barbie” looked happy and smiling that day…in fact the happiest and smilingest we’d ever seen her. “Barbie” was not with “Ken”. “Barbie” had a new boytoy with her! Gilf and I looked at each other with eyes that said, “Close your mouth, flies will get in!” It turns out “Barbie” had as much of a story to tell as we did! And, I found out, was now living just two doors down from me! With her new, smiling, boytoy! “Ohhhh Grrrl! You have to join us someday!”, we said to her. Well, for all the visits to the Bistro we did this summer “Barbie” never joined us, she and boy toy have since moved out, but seeing her got us thinking. “There’s something happening here.”, I said. “Are we just a microcosm of a bigger event going on?” Marriages changing [mine], or imploding [hers] after years and years of togetherness? Women of a Certain Age with Young Bucks all around? What was happeningggggg??? The Sexual Revolution Reboot? I think I was at the tail end of the first Revolution, but am I riding the wave of this one? “There’s got to be more of us out there, don’t you think?” A plan was hatching. “What if?”, I pondered. “What if we shared our stories? As Women of a Certain Age? You know, like ‘I saved my marriage by joining an adult hookup site!’” “And I saved my sanity by getting a divorce!”, she chimed in. “A YouTube channel!” I exclaimed. “Nah! We need to be anonymous! I’m not putting my face out there!” “Good point! What about a podcast? We could just record our happy hour @ The Bistro conversations!” “Yeah, like taking folks along with us as we discuss this new chapter in our lives” “They could have a drink with us. They could “Clink” their glasses with us and follow along!” “Hmmm, think anyone would listen?” With that, we clinked our glasses and “The Adventures of Milf & Gilf” began. Stay Tuned… Do you listen to podcasts? Any favs or recommendations? Any spicy ones? ~~~" Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift." --Mary Oliver~~~
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Never got in to the podcast thing, though this one surely could get me started! A Social Distancing Investigation Good News Indeed Holiday Gold, on HNW [post 3312759] My Private Blog - Tell Me ALL Your Secrets
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Not into podcasts but would consider listening to yours.
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12/14/2020 7:13 pm |
I have to try the Pot casting!
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