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HNW - M or N  

bustinout20202 67F  
836 posts
7/21/2021 9:17 am
HNW - M or N

Yes, I did it and on the correct day, too! Annnd I got both the M and N! Ta-dah!!

My friend makes these incredible jewelry items. I love the steampunk look with the mixed metals - bronze and silver and gold together.

I have a bit of a collection...

I couldn't decide which one to show, so...why not all of them!?
In my world, more is MORE!

Happy HNW, y'all!

~~~" Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift." --Mary Oliver~~~

bustinout20202 67F  
1080 posts
7/21/2021 9:23 am

My other thought was "Mugs" But it's more cup than mug...

~~~" Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift." --Mary Oliver~~~

CleavageFan4U 67M
69374 posts
7/21/2021 9:29 am

And my comment works with this theme too - "mmmmmm" (and the necklace is nice too!)

Happy HNW.

MN, on HNW
DAH This is Good
Does This Mean Im the Dr Pepper of Bloggers
[post 3312759] My Private Post - Tell Me ALL Your Secrets – Anything you write here is just between us

bustinout20202 replies on 7/22/2021 8:23 am:
Thank you Cleave! mwah! {=}

Go_Down_Cowboy_2 62M
1009 posts
7/21/2021 9:34 am

Good mornin, Darlin! Mmmm, would I love to suckle your nipples through all your jewelry! May I have a taste???
Thanks for all the yummy photos!

bustinout20202 replies on 7/22/2021 8:24 am:
Hey Doc, thanks for stopping by!

kamaruhl3 63M
4985 posts
7/21/2021 9:52 am

luv the jewelry and what is under it.

bustinout20202 replies on 7/22/2021 10:14 pm:
Thanks so much kamaruhl! Always appreciate you stopping by!

1bighammer1000 59M
4304 posts
7/21/2021 10:10 am

It looks like a nice place for the necklace. 😉

Anything worth doing is worth doing right

bustinout20202 replies on 7/22/2021 10:12 pm:
Thanks Hamm...which necklace? {=}

redrockrascal 65M
23580 posts
7/21/2021 12:35 pm

Ya know, it looks kinda like necklace on melons to me.

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

bustinout20202 replies on 7/22/2021 10:09 pm:
Casabas or honeydews? Thanks for stopping by!!

Owatalife 67M
1711 posts
7/21/2021 3:52 pm

Cool stuff your friend makes, I've always envied creative folks who can make things that they are both good at & passionate about. I on the other hand make a good proper cup of Tea but am useless when it comes to anything artsy or otherwise. That said it is a good thing that everyone has their strengths & weaknesses otherwise we wouldn't really appreciate genius, spontaneity or stand out talent in the many ways folks use their brilliant minds for ours & their benefit. As always great photos really liked all of them.

bustinout20202 replies on 7/22/2021 10:08 pm:
Thank you for stopping by! Funny, I'm a creative sort, but living in the real world is a challenge sometimes. I used to say that I'm so right-brained I can't make a left turn! Actually, I still say that! I am sure a proper cup of tea is truly a talent in itself! Cream or sugar? One lump or two???

justskin1 72M
13175 posts
7/22/2021 5:20 am

For being on time and getting both letters. The jewelry certainly is lovely and makes a great accent to lovely shapes under it. Great pictures

If you see me in the real world, come say "Hi Justskin."

I always behave. Preferably not well.

bustinout20202 replies on 7/22/2021 10:04 pm:
Thanks for stopping by! It is really fun jewelry, a bit of a tangle to get off tho'!

citizen4722 66M  
74582 posts
7/22/2021 8:29 am

I've always been a 'metal' fan. I'm an even bigger one now
Happy HNW

bustinout20202 replies on 7/22/2021 10:02 pm:
Bwa-ha-ha! Of course you are, Citizen! Thanks ever so for stopping by!

justme51 73M

7/22/2021 11:34 am

Awesome blog pics

redrockrascal 65M
23580 posts
7/23/2021 8:05 pm

bustinout20202 replies on 7/22/2021 11:09 pm:
Casabas or honeydews? Thanks for stopping by!!

That's a pretty technical question. I would have to thoroughly test the melons to answer that. Of course it would be for purely scientific purposes.

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

bustinout20202 replies on 7/24/2021 9:46 am:
Probably involves squeezing the melons for ripeness. I don't think those melons respond well to thumping, ya know like one does with watermelons. Better to trust your lips and mouth to the taste test! lol! {=}
[Just telling you what research methodology has worked in the past!]

Ultraviolet_Sol 44M
622 posts
7/24/2021 12:01 pm

You look great Busti.

*. *. *

bustinout20202 replies on 7/24/2021 5:21 pm:
Aw, gracias, mi amigo! Much appreciated, always!!!

redrockrascal 65M
23580 posts
7/25/2021 3:19 pm

bustinout20202 replies on 7/24/2021 10:46 am:
Probably involves squeezing the melons for ripeness. I don't think those melons respond well to thumping, ya know like one does with watermelons. Better to trust your lips and mouth to the taste test! lol! {=}
[Just telling you what research methodology has worked in the past!]

Yes massaging your melons would be part of the process along with lips and mouth. Lips and mouth are also generously used to test other things that you may want to have tested.

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

thckyngnhung6969 33M
11 posts
8/3/2021 4:36 pm

DAMN!!!! you have some amazing tits sexy goddess!!

bustinout20202 replies on 8/4/2021 9:29 am:
thank you young one!

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