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Welcome 2021!! TBT New Year  

bustinout20202 67F  
803 posts
12/31/2020 8:37 pm
Welcome 2021!! TBT New Year

Wishing all a Happy, Safe and -filled New Year!

A friend just sent this pic from back in the day. I'm toasting the day when we can dress up and paint the town RED again!

~~~" Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift." --Mary Oliver~~~

bustinout20202 67F  
1080 posts
12/31/2020 9:48 pm

In 1984 it was dressed up to party! In 2020 its pj's and games of Exploding Kittens and Settlers of Catan! good riddance 2020! Bring on 2021!

~~~" Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift." --Mary Oliver~~~

redduracell 53M
909 posts
12/31/2020 10:32 pm

Sayonara 2020
Hello 2021 xxx

scoupe42 61M

1/1/2021 12:23 am

Happy New Year

bustinout20202 replies on 1/1/2021 10:18 am:
Happy New Year to you!!

BMW0428 55M
32 posts
1/1/2021 4:33 am

Adios 2020 and Welcome 2021!

bustinout20202 replies on 1/1/2021 10:18 am:
Yahoo! Welcome 2021! So glad 2020 is in the rear view window!

citizen4722 66M  
74582 posts
1/1/2021 8:23 am

I've always enjoyed celebrating New Year's Eve in the pubs but obviously not this year. Last year I dressed up as a cowboy.

bustinout20202 replies on 1/1/2021 10:17 am:
Yippee Ki Yay, Cowboy!
I haven't had a New Year's Eve to myself in YEARS! Usually had to work while others were out playing. Finally I'm retired, and we're in for the duration!

CleavageFan4U 67M
69374 posts
1/1/2021 3:52 pm

I was starting to wonder where you've been. So good to hear from you again!

Happy New Year babe

On My Hands, Knees, Back Groaning, Sweating Maybe even Getting a Little Wet
Something New, on HNW
A Variety of Fun is Always Good
[post 3312759] My Private Blog - Tell Me ALL Your Secrets

bustinout20202 replies on 1/1/2021 5:18 pm:
Thanks Cleave! Happy New Year to you!!

18 posts
1/15/2021 9:03 am

Hopefully in 2021, when you paint the town red, you will be adorned with your new favorite chapeau. A RED fezzz.

18 posts
1/15/2021 9:17 am

A dirty brunette was rocking in red during Act I. The silver fox will be rolling with a Red fezzz in Act II.

bustinout20202 replies on 1/17/2021 6:40 am:
Nothin' but the hat on!

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