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Vocabulary Addition #28  

couldbewoodbe 68M  
220 posts
12/30/2019 2:35 pm
Vocabulary Addition #28

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couldbewoodbe 68M  
267 posts
12/30/2019 2:41 pm

Passage near the end of the book...

"I see Nic on the plane. I see him as he is -- frail, opaque, ill -- my beloved son, my beautiful boy.
Fortunately there is a beautiful boy.
Unfortunately he has a terrible disease.
Fortunately there is love and joy.
Unfortunately there is pain and misery.
Fortunately the story is not over."

Sweeti4565 22F

12/30/2019 2:51 pm


13128 posts
12/30/2019 4:15 pm

This post is the antonym of exiguous.
Shall we say ample ?

Best wishes for 2020 and beyond.

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