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Coming out
Coming out I can’t imagine anybody not remembering that time. it doesn’t matter what they were coming whether it’s a telling their<b> parents </font></b>that they want a change being an older cross dresser which what I am. A too. I was very nervous about going out in public for the first time. But I was nervous when it was turn give presentation in front of the . I think there will be a few amens on that thought too. Maybe it was a good thing that I didn’t wait long after I had decided I wanted to cross dress. I went shopping for outfits just yesterday. So I made up mind go tonight. It was a good plan. It was a safe place to go after all it was a gay lesbian bar. So I get somewhat dolled up. I say that because of lack of knowledge practice. Take a deep breath, jump in the car go. All the way there I’m feeling more relaxed as the miles melt away. It was a half an hour drive. So dumb me misses the turn off I have drive around find it. I’m growing very anxious now because I’m picturing myself sitting the bar just talking everyone having a good time I want that so badly. I see the sign in the distance lit up by the street lights. Oh god I don’t believe it. They are closed for good. The rug was pulled from . I don’t know if I was angry or hurt the thought of blowing the chance do . I pulled wig off threw it on the seat drove home knowing the next closest over an hour away. I was hoping for a memorable experience |
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