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what do you say? she says: THANK YOU  

delanoche023 44F
26 posts
5/17/2021 2:49 pm
what do you say? she says: THANK YOU

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Sapiosex3 53M  
3 posts
5/17/2021 3:40 pm

You are a sensual beast

boobwhisperer69 61M  
8322 posts
5/17/2021 7:41 pm

I like it!!!!

delanoche023 44F
14 posts
7/15/2021 1:30 am

OpenMan 59M

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207 posts
View my blog
6/28/2021 12:42 am
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Sex with you would be... astounding. I want to do to you what Brad does to Billie in sex/life. And make you think about me for the next ten years....

delanoche023 replies on 7/15/2021 4:27 am [Delete Comment] :
oh to stick savage in her salacious reminiscenc-ies…


oh my wishes

…her amazin’ remains to be seen
or a matter of a sir’s interpretat-ies )
pressure Sailor!
…but she thrives under derrrr
yesss wink

boy does she give it her all thou—
surely win points for erotic enthusiasm
—no doubt … lol .. smh? lol)

(i gotta reuppp my netflix STAT)


and btw

you’re pretty fuckin’ awesome
keep that shit up 💋

OpenMan 62M
206 posts
7/15/2021 7:03 pm

I see you wrapped your wet prose lips around my stiff reply, and thusly made us both hotter. The flood is building, slowly... will the dam hold, or will it burst?

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