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Where to go when A FF closed down non-paying members  

leefury7 74M
47 posts
1/14/2022 6:05 pm

Last Read:
1/16/2022 1:53 pm

Where to go when A FF closed down non-paying members

We all need a laugh with all the BS going around.

author51 61F
129960 posts
1/15/2022 11:27 pm

They can go to the laundry mat too Hun as the majority there is more women than Thanks for the smiles Hun...xoxo

leefury7 replies on 1/16/2022 1:52 pm:
WOW! Been YEARS since I was in a laundry mat. And then only to fix a window. But in years past, I rarely saw anyone in the laundry other than other military men. C'est la vie.

Thx for your comments. But it is one thing to meet in person compared to meeting on line where the there is little to no presumptions. It's out in the open and I do not like to presume when meeting in person.

bustinout20202 67F  
1080 posts
1/15/2022 9:48 am

bwahaha! PERFECT!!

~~~" Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift." --Mary Oliver~~~

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