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What doesn't kill you makes you stronger...not true
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger...not true It's now 2009 and I am about to get the shock of my life. I only had my Social Security and enough to pay the morgage, electricity and food. I knew Steve was under great stress also and I was a basket case. He continued to call me 10-15 time a day to try to cheer me up. I tried my hardest to be upbeat when he came home from work. I knew he was out looking for a jobs some days. One night he made wild and passionate love to my almost like the first night we meant. He told me I was the woman of his dreams and goregous and all the things he always said to me. When I woke up the next morning I was happy and fortified. The morning passed quickly and I did a load of wash and dried it and put it away, when I realized I hadn't received a call. I called the shop and Kim answered. I asked to speak to Steve but Kim said he hadn't arrived yet? I told Kim he was probably out trying to find another job. Then I called Steve but he didn't answer. I left him a message to contact me. That went on all afternoon. I kept checking with Kim but he hadn't heard from him either. By dinner time I was getting worried. I thought maybe he had an accident. I kept calling him but he never called back. I started calling local hospitals but he wasn't in any of them. I was frantic by this time. It was about 9pm when I called him in tears and told him I was checking with hospitals and was calling police departments. About 1/2 later he called. I screamed into the phone and asked him where he was and his replys was "dont call hospital babe..........I am not coming home" and I said "tonight?" and I heard him crying and he said " never " and hung up. I think I stopped breathing for a couple of minutes. I could think, my mind was stuck on his last words. I tried calling him back but he didn't answer. I tried all night to get him too. I was hysterical. He was gone and I didn't have anyone to turn too. Believe me, things just got worse but I made it though this segment without breaking down. |
You're a very strong woman.
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Have pride of yourselfe... Woman of Arms....
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wild as hell
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It's a sad story to be sure.Woman will always persevere.Where there was one there are many more waiting in the wings. When a living person is unworthy solely by assumptions and age. Is a sad testament to how far we've come.While I am touched by your story I find it even harder to be moved! Using more than all the road!
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Just be glad you didn't have the IRS breathing down your back, those people never give up.
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The unexpected in life is the most difficult to deal with, nothing that causes one pain whether physical of emotional will make you stronger. Only more bitter and hardened towards most things around you. Most folks don't ever get over severe bumps in the road Judy, while others seem to have the backbone to overcome all those obstacles. {=}
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