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Your community's homeless population  

rm_MarlenaM 60F
958 posts
2/4/2020 5:21 am
Your community's homeless population

It's cold outside, at least it is here in Northern California.
Reach out to your local homeless community.
It's nice but it's not always about cash.
A smile or a warm hello can mean the world to someone who has no permanent home.
A bottle of water to help a body hydrate.
Keep a case in your vehicle to hand out to the sign holders.
A clean used blanket could save someone's life.
Your clean hand me downs will find new life when you drop them off at your local homeless shelter instead of Goodwill.
They'll take everything you are willing to, accessories even used household items will all be accepted by your community's homeless shelters.
All we have in this whole world is each other.
We have to take care of ourselves, help others take care of themselves.
Come on now, we're all in this together.
It costs nothing to be kind yet the rewards are immeasurable.

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