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Apolitically Correct  

rm_PrisicaK 49F
718 posts
1/29/2016 1:50 pm
Apolitically Correct

On the rare occasion I peruse my Facebook feed I am confounded by the posting of an old female acquaintance. When I knew her, she was all about the turmoil of her boyfriend and her five . Then she got married and all she was was smiles and cuddly poses with hubby. Now there are cuddly poses and exuberant declarations of affection for a mannish looking woman. Does homosexuality really sneak up on you that quickly? These seemingly instant conversions make it hard for it not to seem like a passing fancy. And what is to be said for her when they break and reverts back to heterosexuality?
Some women are just hurt and go off men temporarily. I understand but I don't condone.

notsure1949 75M
10657 posts
1/29/2016 3:31 pm

judge not lest ye be judged

rm_PrisicaK replies on 1/29/2016 6:44 pm:
So where does hedonism begin

Owatalife 68M
1711 posts
1/29/2016 3:51 pm

To be honest I think you have somewhat lost the plot on all this...

rm_PrisicaK replies on 1/29/2016 6:47 pm:
It's not the plot that interests me. Even a male friend of mine stated that the sexuality of some women in Texas is quite fluid. I had another female friend I knew for years as heterosexual suddenly decide that we should have an affair. She stated it was her usual practice between men

1tongue4yall 65M
2205 posts
1/30/2016 6:15 am

maybe she is bi....i know what that is like....i am much more attracted to women....i love women, everything about them, all shapes and sizes....but sometimes i find myself just needing to be with a guy. to feel him inside know what it is like to have a guy inside you....well i do to and there is absolutely nothing like it is there?

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