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Carnal Desire w/pics  

scottv69 62M
4718 posts
11/24/2021 8:19 am
Carnal Desire w/pics

Carnal Desire

My sweet let us boldly rush

into the sensual waters of

fiery passion and spend

golden moments of heavenly

joy wondrously bathed by

ethereal throes of delicious

desire and be sensually caught

in the white-hot seas of

glorious carnal<b> lust </font></b>tonight.

scottv69 62M
6791 posts
11/24/2021 8:20 am

Have a wonderful day.

crosstraining 71T  
8367 posts
11/24/2021 11:27 am

They have the Knowledge , XOXO

scottv69 replies on 11/24/2021 12:53 pm:
That they do xoxo

staci_19702 53T
3767 posts
11/24/2021 12:57 pm

And the desire.

Have a great day! 💋

scottv69 replies on 11/24/2021 2:46 pm:
Great starter for sensual love making or just plain hot sex.

vopesahe 62F  
36414 posts
11/24/2021 1:38 pm

Hot my Friend.

Visit my Blog

scottv69 replies on 11/24/2021 2:47 pm:
Thank you my friend.

author51 61F
129960 posts
11/24/2021 11:44 pm

Nothing like carnal desires to share with a lover.Happy Thanksgiving to you my friend.xoxo

scottv69 replies on 11/25/2021 9:54 am:
for sure my friend. Happy Thursday.

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