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Green Acres is the place to be.....  

secret_lade 50F
14278 posts
10/2/2021 5:27 am
Green Acres is the place to be.....

How do you know you're living in the country?

You go on a walk with the Spawn and see this on the other side of your driveway....

Not going to lie, this is definitely a change from what I'm used to, but it's a good change. I'm certain I'll start missing the convenience of living in town and having everything within a mile of me, but it's been kind of nice to see the wildlife everywhere and apple orchard across the street getting harvested.

The Spawn and I were nearly back to the house when we spied this guy munching away in the field next to the house. I certainly didn't see this from my apartment....

Hmmmm..... Perhaps it's time I pull out the bib overalls and find me a chewin' straw. I think this place is starting to assimilate me.

Happy Saturday!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/31/2021 4:25 pm

    Quoting Frenchandhorny66:
    Once travelling in New-Brunswick Canada, I saw a Tank Passage sign… That was weird !
Oh! That is weird!

Frenchandhorny66 58M  
104 posts
10/31/2021 7:30 am

Once travelling in New-Brunswick Canada, I saw a Tank Passage sign… That was weird !

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/24/2021 6:04 pm

It is a nice area.... I'm happy I happened across this opportunity.

jetwise78 46M
3 posts
10/24/2021 9:06 am

Nice area

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/10/2021 3:20 am

    Quoting ImInterested904:
    I would love to visit! Looks so nice and relaxing. Thanks for sharing
You're welcome!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/10/2021 3:20 am

    Quoting  :

I'm really happy to be out of the apartment, definitely not missing the neighbors at all. Egads....

ImInterested904 50M

10/7/2021 8:03 pm

I would love to visit! Looks so nice and relaxing. Thanks for sharing

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/6/2021 1:21 am

    Quoting allgud69xxx:
    If part of your new commute is quiet, you may experience something along the lines during the last year I lived in a village about a half-hour’s drive from my work at the time. Because there was not much traffic, many times over that year I didn’t remember the last 10 minutes or so of the drive. Just not a lot to pay attention to on the road, and the mind wanders.

    Your friends, who are outstanding in their field (while ignoring you two watching them), hopefully they don’t a lot of friends, that they get together with. For the first few months of working in the same place referred to above, I drove through a stretch with orchards and a few farms. There was one night on the way home in fall, I had to wait, along with some other vehicles, for about 5 minutes for a herd of about a hundred deer to mossy their ass(es) across the road. That was a little crazy, though.

    So, um, now that you’re outside the city, and considering the new “dress code”, when “sexy time” comes around now, will you just wear the bib overalls without anything else? Especially a number with a very narrow bib …

    Enjoy your continuing explorations.
That is a LOT of deer.... I haven't seen any traveling in a herd up here yet. I see a lot of randoms out in all the fields, last night I saw 5 sprinkle through 3 fields while I was walking. It's that time though, firearm deer season is right around the corner.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/6/2021 1:16 am

    Quoting lindoboy100:
    Well, if you wear bib overalls you're a lot less likely to stain your clothes with spooges, no??

    Looks rather beautiful where you are McLade, a bit like yersel'!
So far, have not transitioned to bibs or pulled out a chewing straw.... LOL It is really pretty here, so far I'm really happy with the decision to move. I haven't done the winter commute yet, not quite sure what that will be like, so we'll just have to wait and see.

lindoboy100 61M  
23969 posts
10/4/2021 9:20 am

Well, if you wear bib overalls you're a lot less likely to stain your clothes with spooges, no??

Looks rather beautiful where you are McLade, a bit like yersel'!

allgud69xxx 51M
502 posts
10/3/2021 9:52 pm

If part of your new commute is quiet, you may experience something along the lines during the last year I lived in a village about a half-hour’s drive from my work at the time. Because there was not much traffic, many times over that year I didn’t remember the last 10 minutes or so of the drive. Just not a lot to pay attention to on the road, and the mind wanders.

Your friends, who are outstanding in their field (while ignoring you two watching them), hopefully they don’t a lot of friends, that they get together with. For the first few months of working in the same place referred to above, I drove through a stretch with orchards and a few farms. There was one night on the way home in fall, I had to wait, along with some other vehicles, for about 5 minutes for a herd of about a hundred deer to mossy their ass(es) across the road. That was a little crazy, though.

So, um, now that you’re outside the city, and considering the new “dress code”, when “sexy time” comes around now, will you just wear the bib overalls without anything else? Especially a number with a very narrow bib …

Enjoy your continuing explorations.

-- allgud69xxx

Yeah ... that's right ... I went there ..
Wanna msg, but can't - my Postbox blog Another way to say hi my Postbox

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/3/2021 4:35 pm

    Quoting ltrskr:
    Hmmmmmm, BEARS!?
    Two guys were hiking, all of a sudden they see a bear after them,
    One guy asks the other, "What do we do!!!!"
    His buddy says, "WE RUN,,,,,,,,,,!!!!!!!!!!"
    "Can we out run a Bear???????
    "All I have to do is out run you..........." LMAO!

I haven't seen any yet... Nor have I heard anyone talking about any. You never know though....

ltrskr 76M

10/3/2021 8:50 am

Hmmmmmm, BEARS!?
Two guys were hiking, all of a sudden they see a bear after them,
One guy asks the other, "What do we do!!!!"
His buddy says, "WE RUN,,,,,,,,,,!!!!!!!!!!"
"Can we out run a Bear???????
"All I have to do is out run you..........." LMAO!


secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/3/2021 6:07 am

    Quoting  :

I'm around people all the time at work, every day.... It's good for me to be able to come home and just be, alone. I look forward to it. It's also kind of nice to be in a new town, where I don't know everyone everywhere I go. I can make quick stops at places without bumping into someone and having to chat for 45 minutes before I can break away. Good changes!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/3/2021 6:04 am

    Quoting MrWrong4RghtNow:
    I couldn't figure out what that sign meant until you said assimilate. So you live in Amish Borg country eh? coooool!
We Are Borg..... Ha ha ha ha ha

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/3/2021 6:03 am

    Quoting mc_justmc:
    Weeeeeeeeeell doggy! Pretty soon you'll get a hankerin' for possum stew!
Yah.... I'm thinking NO on that one. LOL I'll stick to beef and chicken.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/3/2021 6:02 am

    Quoting  :

Bibs and chewing straws.... the New Sexy! Rawrrrrr!! Ha ha ha ha ha

mc_justmc 64M

10/3/2021 4:54 am

Weeeeeeeeeell doggy! Pretty soon you'll get a hankerin' for possum stew!

MrWrong4RghtNow 58M
2439 posts
10/2/2021 11:27 pm

I couldn't figure out what that sign meant until you said assimilate. So you live in Amish Borg country eh? coooool!

My name is MrWrong and I approved this comment

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/2/2021 7:13 pm

Ha ha ha ha I did!!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/2/2021 7:13 pm

    Quoting  :

I thought I would really miss street lights and people.... It turns out that I don't. I have a fear of the dark so it was kind of nice to have those street lights lighting things up for me, but I don't really go anywhere after dark now so.... It doesn't really matter.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/2/2021 7:08 pm

    Quoting 69ereatwetpussy:
    Nothing like living in God's Country
    I watch farm equipment up and down my road all day long.
    Hay field for miles and cows, old barns.
There are at least 3 big farms surrounding me and one winery about a mile down the road, I look forward to seeing the tractor action. LOL

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/2/2021 7:05 pm


secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/2/2021 7:05 pm

    Quoting hardguy0051:
    I think "this guy munching" is actually "this gal munching."

    Within a year you'll be able to tell the difference between John Deeres, Massey Fergusons, and International Harvesters. Also between Golden Delicious and Galas.

    Join the local gun club, meet your neighbors and sharpen your shooting skills.

    Oh,and buy a set of tire chains.
We aren't allowed to use tire chains here, when I bought my car I was wise enough to buy all wheel drive. So far I've never had an issue, this will be the first winter I'll be traveling this far to work though. It was a 5 minute commute, before. And, can't wait to taste test those apples! LOL

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/2/2021 7:01 pm

    Quoting citizen4722:
    It's a blessing that I can be out in the country air in ten minutes from my city.
That is a blessing!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/2/2021 7:00 pm

    Quoting New2Midlo:
    My journey was the opposite of yours. I grew up in a very rural setting and definitely enjoyed the space, wildlife, peace and quiet. Shooting range on the corner of our property. When I moved to the suburbs, I remember being amazed I could get to a grocery store in five minutes versus the twenty I'd been accustomed to all my life. I still get cross about not having a huge tractor and numerous chain saws. Those were integral to the rites of passage in our family. Somewhere in storage exists 8m video of my great great grandfather plowing snow.
I actually grew up in a semi-rural setting, myself. My grandparents always had huge gardens and did tons of canning and freezing, my job was picking the stones out of the garden when my grandpa plowed. He had a Farmall A. When I was in middle school, they downsized and sold their house.... And I'd kind of forgotten what it was like back then.

Whalehello 42M
19 posts
10/2/2021 3:08 pm

Gotta love country livin! So peaceful and beautiful

citizen4722 66M  
74582 posts
10/2/2021 12:59 pm

It's a blessing that I can be out in the country air in ten minutes from my city.

hardguy0051 72M
503 posts
10/2/2021 12:42 pm

I think "this guy munching" is actually "this gal munching."

Within a year you'll be able to tell the difference between John Deeres, Massey Fergusons, and International Harvesters. Also between Golden Delicious and Galas.

Join the local gun club, meet your neighbors and sharpen your shooting skills.

Oh,and buy a set of tire chains.

pagancountrygirl 66F  
6466 posts
10/2/2021 12:41 pm was a very good move.

Hmmmm....I know I left that wand around here somewhere!

New2Midlo 54M
1075 posts
10/2/2021 12:33 pm

My journey was the opposite of yours. I grew up in a very rural setting and definitely enjoyed the space, wildlife, peace and quiet. Shooting range on the corner of our property. When I moved to the suburbs, I remember being amazed I could get to a grocery store in five minutes versus the twenty I'd been accustomed to all my life. I still get cross about not having a huge tractor and numerous chain saws. Those were integral to the rites of passage in our family. Somewhere in storage exists 8m video of my great great grandfather plowing snow.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/2/2021 10:31 am

    Quoting MrRareity:
    I love the pictures it looks so peaceful and beautiful.
It is very peaceful.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/2/2021 10:30 am

    Quoting benard69:
    Moved out of a rather large city to the country 20 yrs. ago Did take some getting use to but couldn't get me back with a shoe horn now...Enjoy!
I didn't live in a large city, but I did have the convenience of a whole lot very close by. I'm still working in Gaylord, so I can still pick up / do whatever it is I need to do without much hassle on my work days, but impromptu pizza delivery and spur of the moment trips to Hobby Lobby are a thing of the past.

69ereatwetpussy 62M
6774 posts
10/2/2021 9:58 am

Nothing like living in God's Country
I watch farm equipment up and down my road all day long.
Hay field for miles and cows, old barns.

hogknot 58M
1059 posts
10/2/2021 9:49 am

The country living is nice, if you can deal with being far away from everything. The winter can get long in the north. If you were able to work from home it would help with the winter doldrums.

boobwhisperer69 61M  
8322 posts
10/2/2021 9:45 am

You said assimilate!!!!!!

benard69 66M/66F

10/2/2021 9:36 am

Moved out of a rather large city to the country 20 yrs. ago Did take some getting use to but couldn't get me back with a shoe horn now...Enjoy!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/2/2021 9:20 am

    Quoting bustinout20202:
    "Land spreadin' out so far and wide
    Keep Manhattan just give me that countryside!"

    Maybe those were the ones at your window the other night??

    It looks so peaceful, thanks for sharing!
I was thinking the same thing! They were very comfortable, just hanging out there. Didn't even mind that my daughter and I were standing there staring at them from the road.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/2/2021 9:19 am

    Quoting f6w9b:
    Gotta love the country life!
So far, I am enjoying it!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/2/2021 9:18 am

Thank you, you too!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/2/2021 9:18 am

    Quoting Paulxx001:
    Great pics. Love that rural vibe! 😊

    I didn't know the Amish drove tractors. 👍
    Have THEY come around to your door and offered you a glass of Kool-Aid? 🤔

    So when dja gonna start canning peaches and making gallons of strawberry 🍓 jam? Ya know, you can set up a booth, roadside, and make some extra money. Just saying.

    I see them on my strip of road all the time. I bought some honey recently! 🍯 Fabulous! 👍
I haven't seen any Amish, but my landlords do have a roadside apple stand set up in their yard by the road. LOL He's the one on the tractor doing the harvesting.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/2/2021 9:15 am

    Quoting spunkycumfun:
    I used to live in the countryside. I always slept better there than living in a city. I think it was all the fresh air.
So far, I'm still getting used to the strange noises and Peeping Tom Deer. Definitely feels a little different at night.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/2/2021 9:13 am

    Quoting Weeload2:
    Oh look.. a flock of tractors, think if you honk they will move out of the road ?
    Nah.. the farmers would shoot back


So far, I've only seen the one that's been harvesting the apples. I wonder if it's part of a gang....

MrRareity 64M  
4589 posts
10/2/2021 8:53 am

I love the pictures it looks so peaceful and beautiful.

We have two lives, and the second begins when we realise we have only one - Confucious

Weeload2 61M
1104 posts
10/2/2021 8:44 am

Oh look.. a flock of tractors, think if you honk they will move out of the road ?
Nah.. the farmers would shoot back


𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕓𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕪𝕠𝕦

spunkycumfun 64M/69F  
41171 posts
10/2/2021 8:08 am

I used to live in the countryside. I always slept better there than living in a city. I think it was all the fresh air.

Paulxx001 67M
22642 posts
10/2/2021 7:59 am

Great pics. Love that rural vibe! 😊

I didn't know the Amish drove tractors. 👍
Have THEY come around to your door and offered you a glass of Kool-Aid? 🤔

So when dja gonna start canning peaches and making gallons of strawberry 🍓 jam? Ya know, you can set up a booth, roadside, and make some extra money. Just saying.

I see them on my strip of road all the time. I bought some honey recently! 🍯 Fabulous! 👍

G000dbuddy 36M
1676 posts
10/2/2021 7:32 am

Have a great weekend


f6w9b 43M

10/2/2021 6:46 am

Gotta love the country life!

bustinout20202 67F  
1080 posts
10/2/2021 6:41 am

"Land spreadin' out so far and wide
Keep Manhattan just give me that countryside!"

Maybe those were the ones at your window the other night??

It looks so peaceful, thanks for sharing!

~~~" Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift." --Mary Oliver~~~

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/2/2021 5:30 am

You go on a walk with the Spawn and see this on the other side of your driveway...

Not going to lie, this is definitely a change from what I'm used to, but it's a good change. I'm certain I'll start missing the convenience of living in town and having everything within a mile of me, but it's been kind of nice to see the wildlife everywhere and apple orchard across the street getting harvested.

The Spawn and I were nearly back to the house when we spied this guy munching away in the field next to the house. I certainly didn't see this from my apartment....

Hmmmm..... Perhaps it's time I pull out the bib overalls and find me a chewin' straw. I think this place is starting to assimilate me.

Happy Saturday!

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