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Picture if you will....  

secret_lade 50F
13789 posts
10/10/2021 3:11 am
Picture if you will....

A sight so disturbing you sit frozen in fear, the urge scream embedded deep in your chest, struggling break free.

I had just settled in this morning, remote in one hand, coffee in the other.

And then I felt it, the feeling.

You know the feeling...

The feeling that you are being watched without your knowing. Taking a sip from my coffee, I glanced into the kitchen, not quite sure what I was expecting to see.


Sitting the cup down on the stand next to , I glanced into my bedroom, steeling myself for God only knows what to be looking back at .


Beginning feel like a complete moron who has watched way many scary Halloween movies already, I held the remote out turn the TV.

And that's when I saw them....


A lone set of eyes were peering back at from inside the storage cube below my TV.


The cube was pushed the way in, the eyes peering through the small space between the top of the cube and the stand that encased it.

In my minds eye I was picturing all sorts of terrible shit.

Creatures.... Entities.... Poltergeists....

Pulling my feet off the floor and covering my legs with a pillow, the Tilly Cat popped her head out of the cube and meowed out .

" My God! You scared the SHIT out of !"

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. She hopped the rest of the way out of the cube and casually strolled over the couch where I was curled in a panicked ball, rubbing her head the pillow and climbing into my lap for a snuggle.

There's nothing quite like a Sunday morning jump scare....

Happy Sunday!

citizen4722 66M  
74582 posts
10/11/2021 1:43 pm

Anything not nailed down is a cat's toy

CL_Love 51M/51F
425 posts
10/11/2021 11:37 am

Somehow I knew this was a cat....and one more reason we don't have one. LOL

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/11/2021 1:03 am

    Quoting boobwhisperer69:
    One word..................................................Prozac!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For me or the cat....

boobwhisperer69 61M  
8322 posts
10/10/2021 5:00 pm

One word..................................................Prozac!!!!!!!!!!!!!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/10/2021 12:39 pm

    Quoting lok4fun500:
    I can picture this well! We had a pussy that always wanted to curl up on my feet!
    The worst was hiding in an empty grocery bag and strike when I tried to pick up the bag!
Mine prefers to sneak into closets and cupboards when you aren't looking and hide there until you begin to wonder where she went. Suddenly you hear scratching, but don't know where it's coming from. LOL

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/10/2021 9:16 am

    Quoting pagancountrygirl:
    What is it with cats and their beliefs that humans are their servants and also there for their entertainment? And you KNOW she wouldn't appreciate it if you scared the hell out of her! She'd be spitting mad! lol
    Well, at least it wasn't some demon or poltergeist...although it WAS a creature!
The Tilly Cat has been really getting to know / like her new environment. Lots of hiding places, lots of new sights. The other morning I slid the shower curtain open to take a shower and she was in the tub, nose down in the drain, checking it out. Personally, I think she's still holding a grudge for leaving her while I went to South Carolina. LOL

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/10/2021 9:08 am

    Quoting seems6666:
    You sure it was coffee you were drinking?
I would have preferred and Irish coffee... Alas, I didn't have an Irish to put in it.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/10/2021 9:06 am

    Quoting benard69:
    Spooky stuff for
Ha ha ha ha That is VERY similar to what i was seeing this morning!

lok4fun500 M
51906 posts
10/10/2021 8:40 am

I can picture this well! We had a pussy that always wanted to curl up on my feet!
The worst was hiding in an empty grocery bag and strike when I tried to pick up the bag!

pagancountrygirl 66F  
6466 posts
10/10/2021 7:29 am

What is it with cats and their beliefs that humans are their servants and also there for their entertainment? And you KNOW she wouldn't appreciate it if you scared the hell out of her! She'd be spitting mad! lol
Well, at least it wasn't some demon or poltergeist...although it WAS a creature!

Hmmmm....I know I left that wand around here somewhere!

topherific 61M
5209 posts
10/10/2021 7:20 am

seems6666 54F  
4838 posts
10/10/2021 7:12 am

You sure it was coffee you were drinking?

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/10/2021 6:52 am

    Quoting lickeyzsplit:
    LOL !! Yup I live out in the country too and some times watch a spooky movie or just have a Haunted Feeling and it always turns out to be nothing !! Our minds love to play Tricks or the imaginations just have to run wild from time to time !! LOL Have a Great Weekend ! xoxo
I have a pretty vivid imagination.... Watch a lot of scary movies. LOL You have a good weekend too!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/10/2021 6:51 am

    Quoting 69ereatwetpussy:
    I was guessing a mouse
    For it that time of the year.
    We leave the sliding glass doors open and if and when a mouse
    Comes in it runs under our fish washer the into the junk draw
    Making a mess I have a trap set 24/7 and I catch it
    Set it and wait
    Even my oldest fog will sit out side the door and look
    I then know to set trap two under the couch in the gazebo
    She let me know if one in that trap.
    Our out door cat past away bro she not around to help
    She was a good mouser.
    One year she got 12, I got 6
    Last year I got 20 myself
    That country living.
    Set tarps now with peanut butter under your kitchen cabinets
    Tie it down to something I use twisty ties fill a hole in the end
    Wrap it thru the trap and a nail or thumb tack
    Wait for the snap set again with great peanut butter.
    Good hunting or trapping
    Don't use poison the mice get out to drink water birds of prey catch them it them an get sick or die from the poison mice.
So far I haven't seen any mice but everyone keeps telling me to watch for them. I'm hoping my cat can keep them at bay... But she doesn't seem to be the aggressive type. I'm not really a fan of the trap and dead carcass thing, but I may have to resort to that.

benard69 66M/66F

10/10/2021 6:37 am

Spooky stuff for

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/10/2021 6:28 am

    Quoting WyoCowboy7751:
    Had only been in bed asleep for what turned out to be only three and a half hours . Wasn't a dream that woke me but being only half awake, opened my eyes too the cat right in my face 😲🤠
Been there done that before! LOL Mine likes to get up close and personal to see if I'm sleeping or not. LOL

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/10/2021 6:28 am

    Quoting spunkycumfun:
    There's nothing like a Sunday morning snuggle with a cat with a newspaper and coffee at hand.
Sunday mornings are my faves.....

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/10/2021 6:26 am

    Quoting  :

I've been chased by geese before... Terrifying! I saw the bunny hopping around in the back yard yesterday, but other than that, I never left the house so I didn't see any other wildlife. It's not raining today, so I do plan on taking a walk. We'll see what I come up upon.

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/10/2021 6:23 am

    Quoting justskin1:
    No doubt you woke up fast this morning! Cats can be the most aggravating critters. They get away with it because nothing is quite like having a cat purring on your lap.
    I will be having a happy Sunday, meeting up with the GF and there will be some cuddling against my lap.
    May you have a great Sunday and a good week.
Sounds like you'll be having a good Sunday, I hope you have a great week also!!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/10/2021 6:22 am

I've never seen her do that before! I think she did it on purpose just to scare me!

69ereatwetpussy 62M
6774 posts
10/10/2021 6:18 am

I was guessing a mouse
For it that time of the year.
We leave the sliding glass doors open and if and when a mouse
Comes in it runs under our fish washer the into the junk draw
Making a mess I have a trap set 24/7 and I catch it
Set it and wait
Even my oldest fog will sit out side the door and look
I then know to set trap two under the couch in the gazebo
She let me know if one in that trap.
Our out door cat past away bro she not around to help
She was a good mouser.
One year she got 12, I got 6
Last year I got 20 myself
That country living.
Set tarps now with peanut butter under your kitchen cabinets
Tie it down to something I use twisty ties fill a hole in the end
Wrap it thru the trap and a nail or thumb tack
Wait for the snap set again with great peanut butter.
Good hunting or trapping
Don't use poison the mice get out to drink water birds of prey catch them it them an get sick or die from the poison mice.

lickeyzsplit 61M
1516 posts
10/10/2021 6:02 am

LOL !! Yup I live out in the country too and some times watch a spooky movie or just have a Haunted Feeling and it always turns out to be nothing !! Our minds love to play Tricks or the imaginations just have to run wild from time to time !! LOL Have a Great Weekend ! xoxo

WyoCowboy7751 71M
2537 posts
10/10/2021 5:42 am

Had only been in bed asleep for what turned out to be only three and a half hours . Wasn't a dream that woke me but being only half awake, opened my eyes too the cat right in my face 😲🤠

spunkycumfun 64M/69F  
41171 posts
10/10/2021 5:42 am

There's nothing like a Sunday morning snuggle with a cat with a newspaper and coffee at hand.

justskin1 72M
13175 posts
10/10/2021 5:17 am

No doubt you woke up fast this morning! Cats can be the most aggravating critters. They get away with it because nothing is quite like having a cat purring on your lap.
I will be having a happy Sunday, meeting up with the GF and there will be some cuddling against my lap.
May you have a great Sunday and a good week.

If you see me in the real world, come say "Hi Justskin."

I always behave. Preferably not well.

mc_justmc 64M

10/10/2021 4:56 am

fucking cats!!!!!

secret_lade 50F
9227 posts
10/10/2021 3:12 am

A sight so disturbing you sit frozen in fear, the urge to scream embedded deep in your chest, struggling to break free.

I had just settled in this morning, remote in one hand, coffee in the other.

And then I felt it, the feeling.

You know the feeling...

The feeling that you are being watched without your knowing. Taking a sip from my coffee, I glanced into the kitchen, not quite sure what I was expecting to see.


Sitting the cup down on the stand next to me, I glanced into my bedroom, steeling myself for God only knows what to be looking back at me.


Beginning to feel like a complete moron who has watched way to many scary Halloween movies already, I held the remote out to turn on the TV.

And that's when I saw them....


A lone set of eyes were peering back at me from inside the storage cube below my TV.


The cube was pushed all the way in, the eyes peering through the small space between the top of the cube and the stand that encased it.

In my minds eye I was picturing all sorts of terrible shit.

Creatures.... Entities.... Poltergeists....

Pulling my feet up off the floor and covering my legs with a pillow, the Tilly Cat popped her head out of the cube and meowed out to me.

"Oh My God! You scared the SHIT out of me!"

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. She hopped the rest of the way out of the cube and casually strolled over to the couch where I was curled up in a panicked ball, rubbing her head on the pillow and climbing into my lap for a snuggle.

There's nothing quite like a Sunday morning jump scare....

Happy Sunday!

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