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senfully 56F  
612 posts
3/23/2021 4:07 am

A man travels
from Mindanao to Kyushu and says his inner geography
is enlarged by each new place.
Is it?
Might he not grow more by staring for twenty-four hours
at a single pine needle?

—Arthur Sze, "Parallax", Gift of Tongues

written March 22nd, 2021

I know the answer
to the question posed above
is of course the single pine needle
but I am tired of this pine needle
day after day, year after year
this same pine needle.

I am sure if my heart opened enough
this pine needle would teach me the answer
to the question I can't think of
that would make everything ok
but I want to see other trees!

I want to see trees I never imagined
armies of them marching over hills
and also the lone banyan tree in the desert in India.

I want to see the first tree after crossing the ocean
and the last tree before the tundra.

I want to see the Tree of the Year!
every one that is still alive!
and mourn the ones that don't exist anymore.

I want to see the 5000 year old bristlecone pines in California
and visit the seedling I planted in grade school in our backyard.

I want to see the tree of life Yggdrasill
and Anne Frank's chestnut tree in Amsterdam.

I want to see every tree
growing along every fence-line
on every field men have ever plowed.

Only then, maybe, will I be satisfied to return to
this same pine needle.

senfully 56F  
443 posts
3/23/2021 4:14 am

I have a thing for trees! The European Tree of the Year is a real contest! There's a popularity contest I can get behind. Yggdrasil is a mythological tree, but that was sort of the point, to never get back to that same pine needle lol.

The banyan tree mentioned in the poem is a specific tree I remember seeing on a school grounds when I was an exchange student in India.

I grew up in the Midwestern United States, so those trees along fence lines are very familiar. Those are the trees I grew up with. Stubborn, sneaky trees placed just right to not be plowed under. And yes, I chose to have men plowing the fields. Historically that's how it was in my family and in families around us.

I obsess about punctuation, and ultimately just hope that people will read it in their own voice, taking breaks where make sense for them.

69ereatwetpussy 62M
6774 posts
3/23/2021 4:59 am

Three's are beautiful to me.
Every shape and size
All different colors
Planted by the wind
Planted bye man/woman
To grow tall for a propose
Weather to bare fruit
To block wind
To share an area
To make Christmas bright
Food for the animals
Wood for fires to be warm
And to build building to be safe or store things
Ships to sail the ocean,lakes , river's
Or end toys to enjoy
Trees are more to life then one every imagine
It purifies your air for us to breath
Trees are tree for you and me.............

senfully replies on 3/23/2021 6:51 pm:
I knew you'd have many things to say about trees! You know them better than I ever will. Thank you for your response! Hugs!

fang070 53M
1306 posts
3/23/2021 5:17 am

Maybe it's not just after noticing and embrace the greatness and variety of the world around, when we can fulfill ourselves with the pureness and simplicity of nearby small things. Just maybe.

BTW, an Holm Oak (Quercus Ilex) has been the winner of this year. It is said witches used to gather and dance around this millenary tree.

www. treeoftheyear. org /Stromy /The-Millennial-Carrasca-of-Lecina
(remove spaces for the link)


Ultima publicacion: (16/FEB ) Ser agua
Puedes contactarme en MI BUZON o q:1642318, o fuera donde dice mi buzon

senfully replies on 3/23/2021 6:53 pm:
The Tree of the Year! How lovely. I do think I will follow this contest when I remember. What a lovely idea!

And thank you for your comment. Maybe it is that I feel like I spend so much time home and alone. Perhaps if I'd traveled more or seen more, I'd feel more content with inner contemplation, which is how I take the single pine needle in the poem.

Thank you for your thought provoking comments! Hugs!

MrWrong4RghtNow 58M
2439 posts
3/23/2021 8:23 am

Is it just me or did the original quote sound like trees were a metaphor for mates? Maybe I’m just pining away.

My name is MrWrong and I approved this comment

senfully replies on 3/23/2021 6:57 pm:
That is what I love about poetry! You can take it any way you want, and that helps each poem be relevant to where we are. I of course rebelled because I took it to mean meditative introspection being the ideal, and meditation is a big part of my life, but I want to see other things also! lol. Thank you for commenting. I hope we all will find what we're hoping for. Hugs.

kamaruhl3 63M
4984 posts
3/23/2021 11:03 am

this is oh so true. this made me think of where i grew up and then where i live now.thank you for the thought provoking poem.

senfully replies on 3/23/2021 6:58 pm:
I think those are good memories for you, and that makes me happy. Thank you for reading me and commenting. I always say that, but always mean it also. Hugs! More poems soon!

cuddlskissestoo 65M
25 posts
8/8/2021 4:46 pm

Trees breathe in the air and give us oxygen.
We breathe in the air and we give trees carbon dioxide.
Without trees we would die.
So hug a tree and make them feel wanted.
Hug your friend and value them too.
Show your love and you will be rewarded.
Earth could be heaven if we show our true love.
To Sens with love cuddls

cuddlskissestoo 65M
25 posts
8/8/2021 4:48 pm


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