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How Deep does it go?  

tickles4us 62M
1604 posts
1/18/2021 10:21 am

Last Read:
7/13/2021 11:27 pm

How Deep does it go?

More and more details are being revealed as time goes by. Clues and signs of coordination and conspiracy.

How much was " I recognize you" "we think alike" and how much was "Hi brother, I see you are following the plan"?

One thing for certain... there was a plan that some people were definitely following. Were they assisted by people inside? People in prominent positions? Elected officials? Was it an actual conspiracy and a planned out action with intention of taking and possibly doing away with next two in line fill position of presidency? Were people holding elected office part of coordination? Were people in chain of command in military in plan? How much did president know? He certainly seemed have no interest in stopping plan or actions. He did nothing stop actions and seems have been cheering them .

What should be done with anyone in an elected position who found have been complicit? What should be done with those who carried out plan? What should be done with those who made plan?

capital police may have been woefully unprepared for what happened day of insurrection but you have give them credit.. they kept the traitors from getting to the heart of the United States government. They kept the president from succeeding in his coup attempt. While some of them may have been in plan and others may have just gone along with the insurectionist, the majority of those officers fought hard protect Representatives and Congressmen/women of United States. secret<b> service </font></b>worked keep vice president and speaker of house from being captured and from indications execu...!

Now I guess biggest question ... over or will there be another attempt? One thing for certain.. You can't believe anything current president says. He has no credibility. He seems desperate escape his future accountability. He readily conspires with those who would act legally or illegally protect him from long arm of law. He certainly has put his tyrannical, dictatorial personality on full display for see, especially over last several years.

Vive La Difference

spunkycumfun 64M/69F  
41171 posts
6/8/2021 9:57 am

The world's a much safer place now that he's gone!

tickles4us replies on 7/1/2021 1:24 am:
That's for sure. But he's still stirring up trouble.

tickles4us 62M
7262 posts
1/18/2021 10:26 am

Funny how the Republicans always call for unity or whatever when their plans fail.

Vive La Difference

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